
Author Topic: Plea to be unbanned  (Read 5198 times)

Offline farrington_suns

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Plea to be unbanned
« Opened on August 30, 2015, 03:33:06 PM »
Hello famcraft forum,

I am not sure why my account was banned and would like someone to please review logs / account history to determine why this happened. my son was playing hide & go seek and said that he received a "you have been banned" message.

Thanks for reading!


Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Plea to be unbanned
« Reply #1 on August 30, 2015, 03:53:13 PM »
 He was banned because he was testing the rules.

 We make every effort to be patient with players. He had just seen the other player get in trouble and end up muted with the warning of being banned, and then Farrington chose to start it up himself. We felt a ban was in order here.

 We ask that all players follow the rules and make an effort to listen to staff if they are corrected. If he wishes to play here he will need to review the rules with a parent and understand that when staff corrects him we are trying to help prevent issues like this. We prefer not to have to mute, kick and ban players.

[15:19] <+Famcraft17> [09MC_Wizard103 disconnected]
[15:19] <+Famcraft17> (09Ranebowsparkle) 1
[15:19] <+Famcraft17> (09Ranebowsparkle) 2
[15:20] <+Famcraft17> (09Ranebowsparkle) 3
[15:20] <+Famcraft17> (09Ranebowsparkle) 4
[15:20] <+Famcraft17> (09Ranebowsparkle) 5
13[15:20] <+Famcraft18> (05Admin: 13Thoatt ❥) ^spam
[15:20] <+plenary> [43] ^spam:  4Spam is against the rules. Spamming is repeating letters, numbers, punctuation marks, words or sentences too many times in a row. Example- Noooooooo!!!!! <-- spam.
[15:20] <+Famcraft17> (09Ranebowsparkle) 6
[15:20] <+Famcraft18> (11JrMod11: bo_weevil 02➼) lets stop at 3 ok
[15:20] <+Famcraft17> (09Ranebowsparkle) 7
[15:20] <+Famcraft17> [09Ranebowsparkle was KICKED (8)]
[15:20] <+Famcraft17> [09Ranebowsparkle disconnected]
[15:20] <+Famcraft18> (11JrMod11: ~SirMonkey 00♠) Rane please do not count so high, only 3
[15:20] <+Famcraft17> [Ranebowsparkle connected]
09[15:20] <+Famcraft17> (05Admin05: RubensCherub ❥) Please do not spam here
[15:20] <+Famcraft17> (09Ranebowsparkle) 8
[15:21] <+Famcraft17> (09Ranebowsparkle) 9
[15:21] <+Famcraft18> (07SrMod07: MissGhouls09☣) Rane
[15:21] <+Famcraft17> [09Ranebowsparkle was KICKED (STOP)]
[15:21] <+Famcraft17> [09Ranebowsparkle disconnected]
[15:21] <+Famcraft17> [Ranebowsparkle connected]
13[15:21] <+Famcraft18> (05Admin: 13Thoatt ❥) ...
[15:21] <+Famcraft18> (03jminecraftboy) Ranebow please stop
[15:21] <+Famcraft17> (09Ranebowsparkle) 10
09[15:21] <+Famcraft17> (05Admin05: RubensCherub ❥) You are muted, Ranebowsparkle
09[15:21] <+Famcraft17> (05Admin05: RubensCherub ❥) If you continue you will be tempbanned
[15:21] <+Famcraft18> (11JrMod11: Chestnut11✈) Rane plz stop you have been kicked and now muted
[15:21] <+Famcraft17> (09Ranebowsparkle) k


[15:23] <+Famcraft17> (09Farrington_Suns) 1
[15:24] <+Famcraft17> (09Farrington_Suns) 2
[15:24] <+Famcraft17> (09Farrington_Suns) 3
[15:24] <+Famcraft17> (09Farrington_Suns) 4
[15:24] <+Famcraft17> (09Farrington_Suns) 5

[15:24] <+Famcraft18> (11JrMod11: bo_weevil 02➼) lets stop at 3
[15:24] <+Famcraft17> (09Farrington_Suns) 6
[15:24] <+Famcraft17> (09Farrington_Suns) 7

[15:24] <+Famcraft18> (08Helper08: ~MisterChicken 10◊) Farrington only count to 3
[15:24] <+Famcraft17> (09Farrington_Suns) 8
[15:24] <+Famcraft18> (11JrMod11: bo_weevil 02➼) farrington ...
[15:24] <+Famcraft17> [09Farrington_Suns was KICKED (Banned: You have been banned, make a plea at FamCraft.com!)]

Offline farrington_suns

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Re: Plea to be unbanned
« Reply #2 on August 31, 2015, 02:46:58 PM »
Short response:
I don't think that he was able to make the correlation between the one user being banned (minutes prior to him being kicked) nor do i feel that he had enough time between his warning and being kicked to have reacted.

Long response:
Just to be clear, even though the time was ~2 min (don't know the exact delta) the mods assumed that he would recognize that this other user was being kicked for counting (i assume due to playing hide and go seek)? This seems like a huge assumption but i can agree that if counting is considered spam (regardless of playing a game) then he should not use this method (counting) for a game.

Also how much time had passed between his warning, when he typed the number "8" and then was kicked? for example, if he was typing numbers, he was warned between counting numbers and then was kicked between 7-8. To me that seems to be a bit aggressive but i am sure that you all look at the problem from a different "lense" (e.g., you deal with this all the time vs. him doing this for the first time)!

He was pretty stunned at this first experience on your server to say the least. i will ask him if he is still interested in trying out this server as he seemed pretty upset after this situation.

In closing, thank you for hosting the server, having good rules and mods to assist if we don't return / don't communicate again!


Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Plea to be unbanned
« Reply #3 on August 31, 2015, 03:55:28 PM »
 It's very simple. We expect all players here to be able to understand and follow the rules. We also expect players to pay attention to their surroundings and learn from what they see, including paying attention to staff corrections. If a player is too young or otherwise unable to do this then this may indeed not be the server for them.

 Famcraft is a free to play server ran by volunteers who use their own time to provide a safe and fun experience for players. We often take care of many players at once. We will not be giving any one player special treatment over another. This situation was handled as it would have been with any other player.

 If your child decides he still wishes to play here, he would be expected to post a plea just like any other player. A plea states that a player understands the issue, and that it will not be a problem again in the future.

 Thank you for taking the time to inquire about this situation. If he chooses to plea, we will perhaps see you again. Otherwise, happy server hunting.