Clan Chat > Forum Games

Would You Rather...?

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Definitely the potato chips...
WYR give a random stranger your phone or give chestnut all of your rescorces and money?

Give my phone to a stranger. I don't even have a phone.

WYR Have hair were your teeth is, or have teeth were your hair is. I know, both choices are horrible...

I would rather have teeth where my hair is,

WYR: Always stub your toe when you walk past something, or never eat your favorite food again.

Never eat my favorite food again.  I mean, after a while a different food would be come your favorite and it would just keep changing  8)

WYR be allergic to peanuts or be allergic to sugar?

Be allergic to peanuts (I already am :P)

WYR be able to control animals (but not humans) with your mind or control electronics with your mind?


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