Clan Chat > Forum Games
Would You Rather...?
Would you rather loose hunger points 2x faster and the only food able to replenish you is cake or be chased by an indestructible wither at all times?
Wither, duh :P
Wyr have a ghast strapped to your back or a blaze always following you?
Man, if I had a ghast strapped to my back, the ghast could probably fly me around places. I'd love that.
Wyr eat the same food every meal of the rest of your life or have the same song set on repeat (no breaks---the music is always playing) for the rest of your life?
Same food forever. As long as i get to pick it :P
Wyr Have to wear a bicycle helmet for the rest of your life or always have to wear 3 pairs of pants at once?
Bicycle helmet. They can be pretty cool, and when I fall down the stairs I wont 'bust my head' XD.
WYR have no internet for the rest of your life, or have a real life Herobrine/Plenary follow you where-ever you go irl, but doesnt harm you?
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