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Would You Rather...?

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Logic_Leader (Equine_Xpert):
I'd rather look like this  ;D, because then I'd be happy all the time. This  8) makes you look stuck up.

WYR Be uncomfortably hot or uncomfortably cold. P.S. You cannot do anything to change your body temperature.

Uncomfortably cold.  Beads of sweat all the time would just get annoying.

On Halloween when trick-or-treating, WYR get only one your #1 favorite candy at every house or every candy except your #1 favorite?

Every Candy Except My #1 Fave
Cuz I May Not Get My Fave But I Do Get  Alot of Good Candy :P

Have To Eat 5 Cakes Or 5 Pizzas xD

5 Pizzas of course!
1) Chicken and garlic-alfredo sauce with feta cheese
2) Italian sausage and tangy marinara sauce
3) Buffalo chicken and BBQ sauce
4) Shrimp with a garlic pesto sauce
5) 5-Cheese Macaroni (they make this ;) )

WYR live in a house with a cactus block floor or lava floor?


--- Quote from: ChrisKnight44 on October 16, 2017, 06:30:24 PM ---5 Pizzas of course!
1) Chicken and garlic-alfredo sauce with feta cheese
2) Italian sausage and tangy marinara sauce
3) Buffalo chicken and BBQ sauce
4) Shrimp with a garlic pesto sauce
5) 5-Cheese Macaroni (they make this ;) )

--- End quote ---
ive had 1 & 5

Cactus Floor Cuz It Wont Take Alot Of Hp

WYR Be A Tv Remote Or A Piece of paper


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