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Topics - Nortrax

Pages: [1]
Advertise Your Clan / Join Clan HORSE Crazy!
« on: June 12, 2017, 06:15:35 PM »
Clan HORSE Crazy is a not so well organized clan... But! We all have sooo much fun here in clan HORSE Crazy; We have our own skin comp arena in progress! Thanks to NevMinecraft we now have an awesome, and new! Clan home!
We love all the people here on Famcraft and would LOVE for some people to join our clan.  To make it easer, Clan HORSE Crazy, isn't just for horse crazy people! So if you think you don't really want to join because of the name, thats alright! We here in the Clan are NOT trying to make you think that you need to join, it is ALL your choice!  :D

Plea to be unbanned / Plea to be unbanned (parent and player request)
« on: March 28, 2017, 10:01:36 PM »
Hi my son (Nortrax) showed me that he was banned from Famcraft Survival for stealing. He says he was working on a job for ChipW clearing a large area.  He said he ran out of room in his inventory and shulker boxes and there was no room to put any other items. And in the process he was trying to put items in Chip's sorting chests but they were full.

He said Chip wasn't online at the time he was playing so he couldn't ask him to put the items away for him. However he admitted to me that he took some items that belonged to Chip and would like to apologize to Chipw for stealing those items.  He still has the items in his inventory and would like to return them.

ChipW, I'm sorry that I took some stuff from your chests.  at first I was just trying to put the cobble and stone away but then I took some stuff and I'm very sorry.  thank you for the jobs that you are able to give us (Me and StormChaser007) I'm sorry that I broke your trust and I understand if you don't feel like trusting me with jobs anymore.


Matt (Dad of Nortrax)

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