Plea to be unbanned / Inquiry to a ban.
« on: August 01, 2021, 11:46:07 PM »
Why exactly was I banned?
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Pages: [1]
Plea to be unbanned / Inquiry to a ban.« on: August 01, 2021, 11:46:07 PM »
Why exactly was I banned?
General Discussion / Re: Strange mall« on: July 08, 2021, 04:59:46 PM »
I agree with you. Although maybe swap the wood for quartz and white concrete?
General Discussion / Re: Anyone else having trouble connecting?« on: July 07, 2021, 09:04:32 AM »
I am also unable to connect. I assume that there was a server issue and main is down.
It puts me onto the fallback server whenever I attempt to connect. Quote Connection Lost, Kicked Whilst connected to fallback: You are not whitelisted on this server.From what I know, this means that you aren't whitelisted on fallback and you were unable to be placed on there. 4
General Discussion / Re: Special Event!!! Very valuable stuff/useful stuff for free!« on: September 04, 2020, 11:16:34 PM »
Event starts very soon! Don’t forget, you can also reply to this post in the same format as the /mail. Thanks.
General Discussion / Special Event!!! Very valuable stuff/useful stuff for free!« on: September 03, 2020, 06:41:30 PM »Hello! As the overly excessive ![]() 1. Your balance is below 500k. I will check this before giving you your order. 2. You do not have a megaspawner pass. That's all! Each player gets up to 5 items! (You can only pick the same one twice.) Items to choose from listed below. 64 Iron Blocks 2 Nether Stars (Only ONE per player) 64 Cooked Chicken 32 Cooked Pork 32 Steak 64 Cooked mutton 64 Gold Ingots 64 Ink sacs 128 Rotten Flesh 6 Wither Skulls 64 Leather 6 Shulker Boxes 32 Blaze Rod 64 Redstone Dust 128 Sugar 128 Sticks 64 Glowstone Dust 64 Firework Rockets (Flight Duration 3) 64 Gunpowder 16 Ender Pearls (This does not count toward your final order. Have as many as you like) 64 Slime Balls That's it! Your order will come in a shulker box to! It's a total freebie! /mail send TheTechExpert Hello! I'd like to get a box of free stuff! <Order1>, <Order2>, <Order3>, <Order4>, <Order5>. Please drop it off at my house! I live at <Coordinates of house>. (You can find the coords of where you live with /coords) Or /msg thetechexpert Hello! I'd like to get free stuff! if I'm online. [EDIT] Please allow up to 20 minutes after I get on/ see the message to get you your stuff.
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