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Messages - jchampion2

Pages: [1]
Got to meet Chip last night at work. Got a little confused on where the glove where lol sorry the store has moved around since I was there last and I'm still getting use to all the new locations of things. Anyways here is a pic of us. Did not have a whole lot of time.

General Discussion / Re: Pics of you...
« on: April 15, 2013, 10:42:25 PM »
Here is a first grade photo I'll have to ask my mum for photos of me from Germany I think she probably keeps it some place safe. I hope she has one of me in Lederhosen (leather pants) because I think I have a pic some where on my 3rd birthday which was in Germany so maybe I can get her to let me scan it but its a old picture circa 1988 so she might not want it to be scanned.

Plea to be unbanned / Plea banned
« on: February 14, 2013, 03:31:48 PM »
Dear Famcraft staff Personage.

Sorry for using the bad language. I did not think it was considered as bad as other words, I wont use it again. I did not get a warning I only used it once, and if I did not see the warning it was probably due to lag. I was just answering in response to some one who was spamming the room, so i was a bit frustrated at the time since the chat window was distracting, please let me back on =^-^= and apologies.

From Jchampion2.

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