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Messages - wakeriderj

Pages: [1]
Plea to be unbanned / Re: Why was I banned?
« on: September 29, 2012, 10:55:27 AM »
Ohh, ok. Thanks for letting me know. Kind of strange for him to report it as grieving when it's in the clan area (I'm in his clan).

Plea to be unbanned / Why was I banned?
« on: September 29, 2012, 02:36:01 AM »

I just tried to log-on a few minutes ago and it said "Disconnected by Server griefing a 3rd time". I'm not sure if this a tempban or permanent ban. I am also not sure what this is for as I was tempbanned a few days ago for grieving (this was a bit of a misunderstanding and stupidity on my part but it was sorted out), and once the ban was over I barely went online for long and I did not grieve at all then.
Can someone explain what's happened?


Plea to be unbanned / An apology
« on: September 09, 2012, 07:03:14 AM »

I got banned a few hours ago for x-ray, and am obviously here to apologise.
I have now realised it was wrong and greedy and would like to apologise to everyone: the admin and other players. I would like to fix this somehow and will definetly give up all of the diamonds, gold and iron I have found with the aid of the mod.

Clearly there is no reason why I should not have been banned and I can only offer a sencere apology.

Please consider removing my ban. I can guess you have probably heard this a million and one times, but I do mean it when I say that this is the best server I have played on by far.

Other Details: Banned at approxiamately 6pm (GMT+8) on the 9th of September for x-ray by an admin (I am not sure who).

Again, I apologise and hope you can forgive me,

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