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Topics - RubensCherub
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« on: April 29, 2024, 11:53:47 AM »
Wow, it feels like only yesterday I was wishing Famcraft a happy 11th. Where did a whole year go so quickly?
I know we've had an incredibly busy year here. We haven't had much time to get on the server and play. We need to find a way to make time. We still check the forums daily, usually multiple times per day. We've had it in the plan to get updated to the current version. We've just not found the time yet and we appreciate yall's patience. Hopefully soon we can get on track with the update. There a lot that goes into syncing up the admin team's available time to make things work out.
It's always a nice feeling when we check the recent visitors to the forum and see how many of you still check in. Thank you all for remembering us after all these years. It means the world to us. <333
Happy Birthday Famcraft. All my love. <3333
« on: December 25, 2023, 11:07:29 AM »
Whatever you're doing today, We hope you have a wonderful day filled with happiness and relaxation. Many hearts to you all <3333333333
« on: April 29, 2023, 01:25:18 PM »
Happy 11th Birthday Famcraft!!
Thank you to all the amazing Famstaff team members who have helped us to remain up and running for all these years and to all of the Famcrafters who've helped keep Famcraft feeling like home. Yall are all incredible people and it's an honor to have you in our lives. <333 We look forward to many more years with you all. Happy Birthday Famcraft!
« on: April 29, 2022, 12:22:12 PM »
Happy Birthday Famcraft! Thank you all for our amazing first 10 years!
We appreciate each and every one of you, staff and players alike for enriching our lives and being a part of Famcraft. We couldn't have done it without you.
The past few years have been full of chaos, challenges and changes for all of us. Our owners and much of our staff team has seen a drastic reduction in available time to be present on the server. As a result of this we've been able to accept less new players over the past many months. Even without the inclusion of new players, we've been striving the keep the server alive and well and maintain a safe and happy place for our current existing players. We are sorry to those of you who've not been able to get into the server as of yet. We are careful to only allow new players into the community when we are confident there is enough active staff to help new people become properly acquainted with our rules and the Famcraft gameplay experience. While we do keep a close eye on chat and are here if needed, we have not have a lot of time to offer tours and help players get started on Famcraft lately. Hopefully, eventually things will settle down for some of us and we will be more available to assist new players.
The past 10 years have been incredible. We've met some of the kindest, most caring people we will ever be lucky enough to know. We've formed lifelong bonds with many of our staff members and players. Several of our staff members have even had the opportunity to meet each other. A lot of us think of each other as family. We've all shared a common goal of maintaining a safe and happy place for players and their families. We hope to continue to be an island among servers for many years to come.
I am not here and active in chat nearly as often as I want to be, but Famcraft is always in my heart. and on my mind.
I'd like to get real sappy now and thank you all for what you've given us.
Thank you to our Founders. The two players who originally founded Famcraft have moved on now. They have busy lives and families they take care of. We still greatly appreciate their contributions to the server. Their original vision included a safe server for players and their families with rules strict enough to keep everyone safe and a caring staff team to enforce those rules and offer guidance and support to players. We appreciate that they wanted to offer this kind of world to the Minecraft community. In 2018, Famcraft was moved over to it's current owners who were long time staff members prior to becoming the permanent guardians of Famcraft.
Thank you to the Owners of Famcraft. The people who own the physical hardware and maintain/upgrade the software and hardware and pay the bills associated with Famcraft. Even though we say they "own Famcraft" I know it's really the other way around. Famcraft owns their hearts and as much of their time as they can possibly devote to it. I don't think they'd have it any other way. I've personally witnessed the abundance of time and love they've put into maintaining the server for us. Sleepless nights working on server issues. The care and research that's gone into upgrading the hardware. The painstakingly written custom code for many of the plugins we use. The heartache of not being able to spend enough time with the community we love due to circumstances beyond anyone's control. Thank you, Thoatt and Kealper. We could not and would not be here without you.
Thank you to the entire family of Famstaff - past and present. Every single one of you has contributed to getting us here to this 10 year mark. We've made it an entire decade thanks to you all. We've seen many staff members come and go over the years. Some were only with us for a few weeks, others have been here for years. Many have left informational builds, resources and beautiful displays our players still enjoy today. Everyone has had the same goal - keeping Famcraft a safe and happy place to be. Being staff on Famcraft is especially challenging. We have some pretty strict rules and it is always difficult have to correct players. No one likes having to ban someone who won't follow the rules. Banning isn't even the hard part. Our staff team has put in hundreds of combined hours offering tours and teaching players the basics of how to get around on the server. They've spent even more time offering gentle guidance, helping resolve conflicts between players and just enjoying the conversation and company of Famcrafter's when they just needed a friendly place to unwind. Many of our staff members check in throughout the days and nights from their phones and tablets even when they cant actively be on Famcraft. The current Famstaff team's selfless devotion is unparalleled. We'd be so lost without them. Several have been with us for many, many years now. They've kept us afloat when we could not be here ourselves. There are no words to explain what you mean to us. Thank you so much, Famstaff team. <333
And last but far from least, our beloved Players. Yall are incredible. Every single one of you. Players join and leave. They play a few hours or a few years. Some come back months or years later. Some never return. One thing is for sure, we keep every block you guys place - unless of course you were griefing.. haha. But no, seriously, regardless of if you were here in 2012 or 2021 you can always log in and find your homes and areas just as you left them the last time you logged out. We keep these things safe because we care about you. We never want you to log in and find that the map has been reset or that your homes are gone. So we guard them carefully and keep them ready for your return. Famcraft has never had a map reset. Even when we were forced to add a new map due to an update we kept the old map and have it linked as a separate, fully intact and easily accessible world for you all. It's still safely located on Famcraft today at /server classic. Many of our players have touched our lives in ways they will never realize. You wouldn't believe how often we quote players from years ago, or recall a fond memory of a build they shared. We are always excited to see players from long ago return to say hello. So many of you left as kids and now return to tell us you've graduated, or gotten married or even have children of your own. What an amazing world we share. Even many of our banned players are remembered fondly for what they said or contributed while they were still active players. Over the years, Famcrafters have made us laugh and cry, and at times growl with frustration. They've made us sigh. They caused us to lose sleep or gain compassion. They've opened our eyes to other ways of thinking and new ideas. They've given us reasons to alter rules, and add new ones. Famcraft players have never ceased to surprise us with their sneakiness, their cleverness, their kindness or their generosity. We never know what we are going to see when we log in. The good and the bad, we love it all. We love learning from yall. When we first started this adventure, we felt like we had so much to teach. As it turned out we had a lot to learn too- And we are still learning. Thank you, Famcrafters. Old and new, past, present and future players. We are here for you. We love you guys. Keep on Famcrafting.
We are Famcraft.
To those of you who never knew me. LUCKY!
To those of you who've known me too well, you should have been expecting this long rambling post filled with sappy run-on sentences and scattered thoughts and ideas. I'm glad I didnt let you down.
To those who don't know me yet- I look very forward to meeting you someday when I have more time on the server.
I am RubensCherub. Famcraft's biggest Fan. You have my heart, Keep it safe.
Love you all. Many hearts! <3333333333333 - RubensCherub
« on: April 29, 2022, 11:08:21 AM »
April 29, 2022 Status Update. Famcraft is 10 years old!
Happy 10th Birthday Famcraft!
Thank you to the founders, owners, and all past and current staff and all our players over the years for starting Famcraft and keeping the server alive and well. We love you all. You are an amazing group of people and we feel so lucky to know you. We look forward to the next 10 years. Happy Birthday Famcraft!
« on: February 06, 2021, 02:47:48 PM »
Famcraft will be down for 45 mins - 1 hour while we perform a quick hardware upgrade. We apologize for the disruption and appreciate your patience.
« on: October 29, 2018, 10:20:07 AM »
Short version: The server was temporarily a little bit broken. We are fixing it by restoring it to the way it was at around 8:00 am central time yesterday, Oct. 28, 2018. The server will be back up shortly. The Game server, Skyblock and Wastelands are all currently connectable if you'd like to play games while you wait. Everything is fine! Long version: There will be a server-wide rollback on Classic and Main of approximately 20 hours as of about mid-day October 29th, 2018. This will restore all map and player-data to the way it was around 8am on October 28, 2018. The hardware was relocated, and as always we tried to make the relocation as seamless as possible. Unfortunately, at restart many of our plugins did not load properly which left the map vulnerable to a large assortment of problems. Some of the issues included plugins such as clans, chest protections and other protections including fire-spread prevention not working properly. These issues went un-noticed by staff and players for many hours allowing leading to issues that require the map roll-back. Once the rollback is complete all player/map/plugin data should be restored and just as you left it yesterday morning. The Game server, Skyblock and Wastelands are all currently connectable if you'd like to hang out there or play games while you wait for the main server to be back online. Thank you for your patience and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. Thanks, yall!
« on: September 18, 2018, 02:48:46 PM »
** PLEASE Do not create whitelist request topics **We're making a change to how we handle whitelist requests on Famcraft. There will be two ways for new players to join the server: - If you have a friend or relative who plays on Famcraft, you can ask them to send a message to an admin and request that you be whitelisted. If the player who refers you has a long standing good record with Famcraft we will attempt to get you added to the whitelist sooner.
- The whitelist is OFF when staff are available to assist new players, and all players are free to join when the whitelist is off.
Famcraft is a family friendly server. We take the safety of our players very seriously. We also strictly enforce the rules we have posted on the forum and on the server to help ensure the server stays safe and friendly. Famcraft is not always whitelisted. This is a feature we turn off and on throughout the day as needed to help make sure we can keep up with our current players needs. While you wait to join the server, please feel free to visit these links for more info: Rules:,5926.msg31729.html#msg31729Tour (jobs, homes, land protection info:),1876.msg10988.html#msg10988Thanks! We will look forward to seeing you on the server!
« on: April 29, 2018, 12:37:26 PM »
Happy 6th Birthday, Famcraft!
I wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you to all the players and all the staff members who have made Famcraft such an amazing place over the years.
In theory, Famcraft sounds too good to be true. A community based on friendliness, fair play and respect. A community with strict rules and wholesome morals filled with incredible people who strive to offer one another friendship and support. A safe place where players and their families and friends can enjoy playing Minecraft together, or just hang out and enjoy the conversation.
In reality, Famcraft is all of this and more. Famcraft is a community with a life and a personality of it's own. It's silly, like our funny Famcrafters and their puns, and sweet like our kind-hearted players who are always eager to lend a hand to those in need. It's strict- like our rules, forever helping to keep the server safe. Famcraft is always growing and changing and each new player makes their own contribution to the overall atmosphere of the server, giving Famcraft it's amazing personality. It's an honor to be here with you all.
Famcraft exists so that everyone who is willing to follow the rules and be kind to one another can have a safe and happy place of their very own. The maps are permanent, the rules are here for good. No matter where you go or how much time has passed you can always log in on Famcraft and be home.
Over the years we've watched many of you grow up. We've seen some of you go from barely able to play Minecraft or hold a full conversation to being Famstaff team members. We've seen little rule-breakers grow into incredible players who now help others to understand the rules better. Our Famcrafters have never ceased to impress me. Many of the people I have met here have had a huge impact on my life. I know my world is a better place because of Famcraft. We love it when you log in to share the special moments in your life like a great report card or getting a new puppy. We always love to hear about the happiness in your lives. We also like to serve as a safe distraction when things are less-than-sunny and you need to relax and play a game.
Thank you to every player who has logged into Famcraft, followed the rules and helped us build this incredible home. You are Famcraft. <3
Thank you to the staff team. Our beloved Famstaff team is made up of some of the most amazing people I have ever had the privilege of knowing. Each member of the staff team has the best interest of every player in mind. They give up personal irl time as well as in game play time to be here with us and help keep us safe. The Famcraft team genuinely cares about our players and always makes the effort to treat them like family and friends. Famcraft is not a job, it's a lifestyle. Some people are under the impression that the staff team is paid or otherwise compensated for their time here, they are not. The care and devotion you see from the staff is real, and out of the kindness of their own hearts. They expect nothing in return other than to be able to enjoy time in the community that they help to build and maintain. Thank you, Famstaff Team. You are Famcraft. <3
Thank you to our owner. While you may rarely see Micah in chat, he is always around to take care of us. He stays in the background, quietly. He never comes forth to take the credit he is due. He never asks for anything in return for providing Famcraft for us but he keeps us up and running. We know it means a great deal to him to know you all have a safe, happy, family friendly place to enjoy Minecraft. I know he might thinks it sounds a bit silly to say, but I think he love us, yall. :3 Micah - You are Famcraft. <3
Thank you to the other admins, Kealper and Thoatt. They are the heartbeat of the server. They keep everything running as smooth as silk. This takes a LOT more work than you'd ever guess. Maintaining Famcraft is absolutely a full time job, and one the whole team is entirely devoted to. Each of us checks on the server around the clock. It is very much a priority for us to know Famcraft is safe and running well. We know we will be here till the last player logs in. We're in this for the long haul so yall are kinda stuck with us.
Kealper and Thoatt, You are Famcraft. <3
On a personal note, without going into too much detail- this has been an incredibly rough past year for me. Some days have been particularly difficult. I've not been able to be as active here as I like to be. When I am here, I am not always up to a great deal of direct interaction but I want you all to know that even on my darkest days you've somehow managed to put a smile on my face. Seeing chat, quietly checking out your builds and new skyblocks, or hearing plans for your upcoming projects or clans, it all brightens my life. Famcraft is my safe place too. Thank you all for making it such a beautiful place to be. I love you all. <3333333333333333
Thank you all so much for these six incredible years. I look forward to many more. We are Famcraft. <33333333333
Happy 6th Birthday, Famcraft!
« on: April 13, 2018, 12:46:14 PM »
The Famcraft family of servers is currently experiencing some connection issues. We are aware of this and are working to get the servers back online as quickly as possible. Thank you for your patience!
UPDATE: While we work through the connection problems for the regular servers, you'll now be put into a temporary creative world where you can play in creative until the main servers are back up! Please read the signs at spawn when you log in, they explain everything in detail!
FINAL UPDATE: The servers are back to normal again. Sorry about the disruption and happy Famcrafting!
« on: March 02, 2018, 01:49:41 PM »
Famcraft is currently experiencing technical difficulties. The admin team is aware of the situation and we are working to restore server functionality as quickly as possible. Thank you all for your patience and support.
« on: November 19, 2017, 08:18:36 PM »
❆ It's snowing on Famcraft AGAIN- and YOU can help! Famcrafter's are as varied as unique as wonderful wintery snowflakes! We are asking YOU to help us make it snow! We have a special area set up at /warp snowflakes. This region includes the ability to FLY so you can build way up high in the air  *Note: You will NOT be able to place on the ground- only in the air. We need Famcrafters to help build beautiful snowflakes. As a thank-you for your help, everyone who participates will get to wear a single white snowflake after their name, all throughout the winter holiday season! A few random creations may be selected for display at /spawn <3 Participation is easy and the rules are simple! 1.) If you would like to participate, type "/request snow" in game! Once you have your snowflake next to your name, you'll be able to build in the snowflake area! 2.) Visit /warp SG and take the gate on the right OR go directly to /warp snowflakes 3.) Read the rules posted there 4.) Collect your supplies  (Read the signs!) The snowflake world has a separate inventory, so the blocks you acquire there do not return to the main world with you. 5.) Build a snowflake!  *Snowflakes ONLY - ONE per player, please ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ Feel free to build off of any available glass blocks for a starting place. Do NOT build off of other player's snowflakes. * In the event of parent/child or siblings sharing accounts, please feel free to each build your own snowflake. 6.) Place a sign with your name on your snowflake if you like. Snowflakes will remain on display at /warp snowflakes year round, but building participation is for a limited time only. *This is NOT a contest. No prizes will be given. This is strictly a for-fun event.
« on: October 11, 2017, 11:49:49 AM »
UPDATE: The main server is back up and running again. We've undone all the stuff that happened earlier today. All of your things should be exactly how you left them last night. The restore took the main server back to how it was at around midnight last night. So just a few hours before the issues started happening.
Original: We are aware of the issues on the Famcraft MAIN server. These issues have been occurring since approximately 4:00 am, CST.
The admin team is well aware of the situation and we are busily working to get everything back to normal. Currently, if you join Famcraft you will land on the Fallback server, and from there you can join /server games, /server wastelands or /server classic - the MAIN server is not currently available, but it should be back up and running shortly.
Thank you for your patience while we work on things.
« on: October 10, 2017, 07:16:31 PM »
Sent to an Admin: Dear famcraft admins, I love famcraft. It is my favorite server I have ever played on. The moment I got on, I knew it would be a lot of in, and it is. I previously got banned for mentioning [another]l server on famcraft. I promise I will not make that error again. I would really like to play on the famcraft server, as it is, and I hope it still will be, my favorite server and first choice of using my time. I really hope you consider unbanning me.
Thanks, MinecraftMan1013
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