
Pleas and Troubleshooting => Plea to be unbanned => Topic started by: logankillsall3 on January 26, 2013, 12:08:43 PM

Title: Logankillsall3 ban
Post by: logankillsall3 on January 26, 2013, 12:08:43 PM
Mk. I have been banned twice on Famcraft. Once was because i griefed my friend dawbro. That was a temp ban, cant say off the top of my head how many days. Then i was banned again for putting a bunch of signs up in my house with a term on it that was not allowed in famcraft. Agian, a temp ban, 3 days i believe. I understand both these bans. I did something wrong. I broke rules. I get that. However, i seem to have been banned yet again, for no reason. I talked to a mod in-game because i couldn't get into the FTB famcraft server, which confused me as i was in the regular famcraft, and have never been in the FTB server. Then a fue min later i was banned. I would very much appreciate if someone could shed some light on this. Thank you!  :)
Title: Re: Logankillsall3 ban
Post by: SuperNova_2 on January 26, 2013, 12:13:43 PM
Okay, i admit that it was a bit my fault on not telling you what was going on but here it is... One of the admins set your ban as a permanent ban. Therefore you shouldn't have been able to play on the server. Also that is why you were banned on the FTB server because you were supposed to be banned on survival also. I will leave the decision to unban you or not to one of the big guys.
Title: Re: Logankillsall3 ban
Post by: logankillsall3 on January 26, 2013, 12:21:15 PM
Alright. That makes since. Thank you for letting me know whats going on.
Title: Re: Logankillsall3 ban
Post by: logankillsall3 on January 26, 2013, 05:59:34 PM
Ok. Looks like its time for a real plea. I would like to say i am sorry for writing words that are found inappropriate on signs, and i am sorry for what i did to my good friend dawbro. I would very much like to play on your server again, and play with my buddy again. I knew that these things were against the rules and i did them anyway, which isn't right. Even if i think the rules don't make since or i think they are unnecessary, its your server, and i should follow your rules as long as I'm on your server. If i get un-banned i would spend all my time on the FTB server, so all the people that are sick of me on survival wont have to deal with me LOL. Well in any case, thank you all for having patience with me as well as taking the time to read my ban plea.
Title: Re: Logankillsall3 ban
Post by: bknysnake on January 26, 2013, 11:07:23 PM
You will not be unbanned. I've seen your offence and you have no respect for the server and it's staff. I will no longer allow you to play your games and believing you can continue making the same mistake, apparently you don't know the rules, which means you never bothered to read them...... Is what I would have said if I didn't ban him for the forums. lmao