General Discussion / It's been a while!
« on: March 15, 2020, 09:14:28 PM »
Hey Guys! I'm not even sure if many of you remember me because it feels like years since I've last been on. Before I begin I want to apologize if I'm uploading this to the wrong area of the website and if its an inconvenience in any way. Anyhoo, a whiles back I actually lost my SteveBlu account (Its a long story) so I've been taking a break from minecraft- however for a while I've been missing the ol' game so I recently got the account RhapsodyInBlu, which brings me to the next part. I was hoping if it wasn't too much trouble to first whitelist this new account and then if its possible to dust off my old stuff and put it on this account. If that's not possible due to the dust bunnies taking over I completely understand!
I'm excited to be back! -Steve
I'm excited to be back! -Steve