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Messages - RubixQube

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General Discussion / Re: Famcraft family photo.
« on: August 10, 2015, 08:16:57 AM »
:o  I'm just now seeing this.  I love it!  Everyone looks so great!  :)  Exceptional work Anna and all others involved in the making of this. You've outdone yourself(s) again!  :D

General Discussion / Re: Getting to know each other.
« on: April 18, 2015, 02:07:51 PM »
Hello to you amazing FamCrafters.  I suppose I've spent enough time on the survival server to warrant an introduction.  I would first like to say that it is so refreshing to know that there is an online gaming community out here that adheres to a strong commitment of upholding each and every player to treating others with kindness, respect and in my opinion, having overall good morals.  I am not just saying this to the staff, but to all of you, it takes everyone being on the same page to make something like this possible. So, a huge thank you goes to each and every one of you.

Playing video games used to be a big part of my youth, starting with Atari in my late teens being my first gaming system and later, the Apple II computer.  The last gaming systems I got for myself were the original Nintendo and a year later, Gameboy, but by the mid to late 80's that phase of my life was fizzling out.  It wasn't until about a year and a half ago that I became reacquainted with this long lost inner child of mine.  And it can only be attributed to my daughter GentleSeeker and her love of Minecraft.

Of my children (ranging from almost three years old to grown and married with kids of their own), two of them and occasionally their friends play Minecraft.  You may have seen them around and if so, you know them as GentleSeeker and ThePerfect_Storm.  They're both very sweet girls and they absolutely love the Famcraft server.  We truly hope that we have found our final resting place to host our Minecraft gameplay together.

A few years ago I came down with a condition that has left me with health concerns that had taken me away from my normal work for that time, but at the same time has afforded me the ability to have the kind of quality time with my family that I never believed possible in my line of work.  After working mostly from home for the last couple years, I have now decided to take my early retirement.  This however, leaves me with many mixed thoughts.  I have spent my life staying just about as physically active as one can possibly be, but with life's way of throwing its twists and turns in, that just simply isn't possible now.  I'm really not sure what the future holds for me and my family, but I am excited to find out.

For now Famcraft shall be a mainstay in this house.  I spend my in-game time working on little projects (many of which my girls request of me), but much of the time I just leave the game on in the background AFK'ing materials while I do other things.  I'm not the fastest (not even close) when it comes to typing or following the chat, but I do try my best to keep track of the chat (unless the chat is extremely busy).  That being said, if it ever appears that I am ignoring you, please don't take it personally, I would not do that intentionally.  It just means that I simply missed it or I'm busy in real life and thank you for your understanding.  Speaking for the three of us, we continue to look forward to playing Minecraft with all of you.  :)

GentleSeeker's and ThePerfect_Storm's father,

-Just a little side note-
I have seen talk of some very young players on Famcraft, but did you know that once in awhile (not very often at all really) I have on my occasionally shared account a two (almost three) year old playing.  She loves to go to Miss Ghouls' carnival along with some other monster safe places and run and jump around while looking at everything. <3

General Discussion / Re: NEW Famcraft Family Photo!! Sign up now!! :D
« on: March 25, 2015, 02:00:17 AM »
I would definitely like to be included in this photo and if I may, have my two girls beside me (one on each side of me please); I am their father. We do so enjoy being able to be a part of your wonderful server and members of such a classy and kind group of people.  :)   Thank you ALL for keeping this such a family friendly and clean place to enjoy our favorite pastime.  I'm not sure if this needs to be mentioned, but we recently updated our skins and mine has been the only one whose head (when placed) shows the new skin. Looking forward to the next time we get to play together, see you then.


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