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Messages - XtremeAlex33

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 5
Sell your products/homes / Re: Xtremees buy-a-biome!
« on: January 30, 2015, 04:21:45 PM »
AgentPurscowe and I are interested in being explorers.   
awesome! This is currently on hold due to my new clan, but ill give you an update shortly!

Famcraft Survival / Re: Textures galore?
« on: January 30, 2015, 09:41:01 AM »
I use a mix pack i made myself only intended for private use. I cannot post it on here, but I can send you thru PM if you want

I'd luv to try this texture pack out, what is it a mix of?

Advertise Your Clan / The FLASH Clan!
« on: January 29, 2015, 04:34:43 PM »
PLEASE NOTE: Flash has grown so fast, I decided to make a new post for it  :P

                               Hey famcrafters from across the blocky globe!
~JackGamer64 and I recently started up a brand clan called FLASH!
The clan is settled in a cosy, peaceful plains surrounded by roofed forest, with a winding river twisting through, and the bootiful ice spikes biome nearby.
Turn on FLASH however, and the picturesque setting turns into an exciting playground, with river rapids to race down, a forest to play in, and an exciting place to live.

The clan home itself is unique and stylish. You arrive in a watermill turned rules room, and your first glance of Bolt Island is an awesome one, with your soon to be home dotting the plains, FLASH's fine tuned, custom fireworks filling the sky,  and a warm welcome from one of the two SrFlash, or me and JackGamer64,  the owners and leaders of FLASH.  Seeing is believing.

We also like to hold events to get to know each other better, and have heaps of fun.

Soon to appear in a mall near you are the FLASHPVP stores. These outlets are designed to help you fight harder, for longer. Using experience and advanced testing, this gear will help you fight like a Flash-in the arena, or just for day to day survival.

We have farms!
-Enderman EXP
-Crop farm
-Animal farm
-Red and yellow sheep farm
-Prototype X chicken machine (only melted down twice  :P)
-Tree farm
we also have two clan castles  ;D

Every clan member gets a  clan home  8)

If you'd like to join, contact me or jacknicholls1 in game or via a PM.

Stay hyper-Stay flash!


Sell your products/homes / Re: Mustaches.
« on: January 22, 2015, 01:03:37 AM »
I'll take a moustache and suit one please  ;D

Clan Fund Raisers / FLASH clan fundraiser!
« on: January 20, 2015, 03:27:20 PM »
Hey famcrafters from across the blocky globe!

I am the co-leader of The Flash,  and we need a bit of money to help us become truely hyper!

We are going to spend your hard earned famcoins on a number of things, but our current priorities are:
-Clan farms
-SG system
- Clan rally track

We need to raise $11,000,000 for an iron farm and a cow farm!

Without further ado, I can announce the events we are going to hold are...

- A classic 'pay for a prize'!

$10,000= A home at FLASH
$30,000= A shop in our clan mall when finished!
$100,000= A CASTLE at FLASH and access to my Ice Spikes
$500,000= A prototype Rocket Propelled Minecart System and honoury moderator rank
$1,000,000= Honoury leadership

You get all tiers below your prize as well!  ;D

We are also going to be holding a Cross Country race from A to B!

You pay a fee to enter, and get sponsered, and the winner gets a great prize!
More details on that later  :P

Hope you donate, and keep us running!


Advertise Your Clan / Re: Join FLASH- The hyper clan!
« on: January 20, 2015, 01:02:04 AM »
alex, u made another thread exactly the same as dis xD
Errr... Naw.
That post was was asking for builders!  :P

Advertise Your Clan / Join FLASH- The hyper clan!
« on: January 19, 2015, 03:23:09 PM »
Hey famcrafters from across the blocky globe!

My new clan is the super clan FLASH, or The Flash!

Flash is for your adventurous, playful side. Take a high-speed boat trip with your mates across a challenging,  twisty river system, horse ride to and then explore a wonderful biome you always wanted to visit, or siege and then party at a castle, its all possible within the lands of Flash Island!

Flash is a brand new, fresh clan so at this moment does not have much to offer farm-wise, but we do have:
-An animal farm
-A crop farm
-An exciting and diverse clan home
-Clan accomodation
-Many biomes to explore
-A natural tree farm
-And a clan castle!
-A minecart line across the base

We hope for offer soon:
-An iron farm
-A rally track
-Train system to biomes
-Clan mall

If you'd like to join the playful, joy filled bundle of adventure that is FLASH, then contact me (~XtremeAlex) or ~JackGamer64 and we will invite you to the party that never stops!


Advertise Your Clan / Re: FLASH needs a home!
« on: January 19, 2015, 01:13:28 AM »
i can build houses and animal farm-i like modern

Thanks for offering to help!
We need as many builders as possible, so you building us homes and farms would really help us!
I'll tp you to FLASH when I see yah!

Advertise Your Clan / FLASH needs a home!
« on: January 18, 2015, 02:49:15 PM »
Hey famcrafters from across the blocky globe!

I recently started a new clan, The Flash, or FLASH for short. And we need a home!

Our clan base has a building style of oak and brick- we will show you  :P
What we need is a few willing builders to build us:
-A crop farm
-Animal farm
-Clan mall
- framework/machinery for an iron farm and a blaze farm
-clan living space (houses)

If you are a kind builder and help,you will get leadership, access to my private mesa and a money prize depending on your contrubution  :P

If you'd like to help, contact:

FLASH leader

Advertise Your Clan / Re: Golem clan.
« on: January 17, 2015, 02:11:10 AM »
Xtreme Alex. Agreed and accepted.

Advertise Your Clan / Re: Golem clan.
« on: January 17, 2015, 01:51:48 AM »
Errr.. There's already a golem post  :P could've just asked me to update it

Sell your products/homes / Re: Xtreme's buy-a-biome!
« on: January 14, 2015, 03:13:49 PM »
Please remember that any biomes being sold should actually be owned by the seller, and not just found by the seller.

Biomes to be sold should be protected with PreciousStones protections (Diamond blocks). Anywhere in the biome that is not protected with a PreciousStones protection is considered public space, and anyone is allowed to build in the area as long as it follows our rules and guidelines about griefing and distance from other builds.

This also means that if you buy an unprotected biome from another player, it is the buyer's responsibility to protect the area with PreciousStones protections. For example: If a player buys an unprotected mesa biome and that player starts making a house on one of the mesas without protecting it themselves, and another player comes along and builds on a totally separate mesa in the same biome, there's not much that can be done, because the biome was not protected and the other player's build would have been far enough away from the buyer's build.
In response to an incident with a buyer, all my biomes now come fully protected.

B man, next time we are both on I'll get you there, that'll be 70k.

Forum Games / Re: Forum Game :D
« on: January 13, 2015, 02:23:49 PM »
Is it you, TheIronCreeper2?

This person likes cookies and their clan is named after bits of metal and vegetables

Sell your products/homes / Re: House with Storage area for sale
« on: January 11, 2015, 02:53:01 PM »
I never got it..? Can I still purchase it?

Sell your products/homes / Re: Xtreme's buy-a-biome!
« on: January 11, 2015, 07:36:37 AM »
Can I be an Explorer?  ;D
You sure can  ;D I will show you the ocean I source my biomes from later on  :P

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