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Messages - SlenderTortoise

Pages: [1]
Plea to be unbanned / unban plea now that i know how this works
« on: February 01, 2017, 06:26:18 PM »
So, I now know what I did wrong, I sarcastically stated "I'm leaving now, +50 fps for everyone" and as I appeared to have broken the rules, I will explain the action I took and why I did it: firstly, I was flying around on a rocket elytra causing lag, sorry about that, I didn't actually experience any lag, so I figured it wasn't THAT bad, after experiencing the lag myself and landing in a cave, dying, and going back INTO the cave, I immediately stopped flying. after finding and searching a mineshaft that was in the cave, I decided that because I was causing half of the lag by using it, that it would be best to leave because it would probably reduce the lag by unloading the chunks I was in. as for the sarcasm in my comment, you can ask anyone who I've talked too on mumble, I am an extremely sarcastic person, so it was a bit natural. my plans upon being unbanned are to continue playing as normal, except probably using nether portals for transportation rather than elytras, or turning down my render distance significantly (maybe a quarter of its normal) to make it so less chunks are loaded and thereby preventing lag. thank you for looking at this, thanks!

hi, it says I've been banned, and I'm sorry for whatever I did, even if I honestly don't know why, if my apology is accepted, please let me know on the forum, once again, I literally don't know why I got banned, so lease, pleeease tell me why. thanks.

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