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Messages - bknysnake

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Me and micahdg are the owners of the server.

I want you to understand, what you did was wrong, whether it was by accident or not. You should be careful with what you do.

I'll lift your ban, but if this happens again, it will result in bigger consequences.

Please review the rules at /spawn so that you are aware of what isn't allowed on the server so that you may avoid future problems like such.

Thank you for posting a plea.

This was not an accident, you did this intentionally.

You were asking for sand, as shown below, then you decided to pour the lava on him because he was attending something else, before attending you.

[13:43] <FamCraftIRC> (aobida_biadsy) sand pls
[13:43] <FamCraftIRC> (aobida_biadsy) sand man sand sand sand
[13:44] <FamCraftIRC> (C45_4_LifE) im sorting my stuff
[13:44] <FamCraftIRC> (aobida_biadsy) so?
[13:44] <FamCraftIRC> (aobida_biadsy) give me sand and i will go
[13:44] <FamCraftIRC> (aobida_biadsy) come on
[13:45] <FamCraftIRC> (aobida_biadsy) ?
[13:45] <FamCraftIRC> (aobida_biadsy) XD

[13:47] <FamCraftIRC> C45_4_LifE tried to swim in lava

It's obvious why you did this. We do not allow this sort of action in our server. We expect players to respect each other, and treat each other fairly.

I had tried talking to you about this, I had mentioned to you that you would be either perm-banned if you did not replace his items or payed him for his loss. I also mentioned, you will still be temp-banned for your actions.

Do you understand why you were temp-banned? What did you learn from this?

Congrats to you guys, now I have to google a tuxedo lol (I suck at makings skins)

General Discussion / Re: Things that Happen in Survival Chat
« on: July 08, 2014, 07:35:48 AM »
You scared them away :O

General Discussion / Re: Fireworks/ 4th of July pictures
« on: July 08, 2014, 07:32:24 AM »
lol I agree the food was great and the show was slow at first but once the battle started I was screaming my lungs out for the knight in my section which at the end lost lol

General Discussion / Re: Fireworks/ 4th of July pictures
« on: July 07, 2014, 03:57:47 PM »
Yes that is independents day, I've heard a few fireworks, but I didn't go out that day, I went to medieval times the following day and had a blast :D

General Discussion / Re: Things that Happen in Survival Chat
« on: July 07, 2014, 03:54:05 PM »

General Discussion / Re: I've learnt a lesson today.
« on: July 03, 2014, 09:46:39 AM »
Ha, my house looks exactly like that, ontop of a mountain just like that, all that's missing is a little waterfall! lol Best house ever!

Famcraft Survival / Re: eGI
« on: June 09, 2014, 04:18:04 PM »
looks awesome lol

General Discussion / Re: Favorite Movies
« on: June 06, 2014, 12:52:35 PM »
I'm going with lemmy on this one, I love dispicable me, who can resist those cute little yellow things! lol

General Discussion / Re: Allowance?? On Famcraft? /warp money
« on: June 06, 2014, 12:49:43 PM »
Voting brings popularity to our server on the site, allowing us to move up on the list of servers, which, with enough votes, we become easier to find for those looking for servers to join!

General Discussion / Re: What Minecraft thing are you known for?
« on: June 05, 2014, 01:40:38 PM »
When I was active, I was known for redstone work! though I had a lot of help with badbh222, he taught me a lot, but I looooved redstone, I would love to get back to that, so anyone have any redstone projects let me know so I can work on them! lol PM on forums.

Forum Games / Re: Food Forum game
« on: June 03, 2014, 01:46:28 PM »
Some say duck?.. mmhmm (never ate one, but looks yummy!

Forum Games / Re: Food Forum game
« on: June 03, 2014, 11:41:47 AM »
mallorca bread!!!

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