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Topics - zombiepigman2x2

Pages: [1]
Bugs and glitches / Voltz bug report
« on: May 14, 2013, 06:00:38 PM »
First off let me just say that I appreciate the update that voltz went through, I think it solved a lot of the major exploits that was breaking the game. There are still a few more things that are wrong with the server ranging from things that need to get fixed to minor inconveniences.

-still no uranium in server(I imagine this won't get fixed any time soon, seems like you need to generate a whole new world in order to fix this particular bug. it's minor but still annoying)
-ever since the update generators that require moving parts (i.e. the fusion reactor) are not gaining speed and therefore not producing any power.
-when shift clicking a battery upgrade to put into a battery box, I experienced a bug in which 3 battery upgrades turned into one when placed into an advanced battery box. I could not believe this for myself, I tested this in creative and it still proves true. Obviously an avoidable bug, but can be a heartache for those who do not know about this bug.

This is my bug report for now, If you play voltz and have been experiencing bugs yourself please reply to this post about what you're experiencing so that micah can fix it.


Sell your products/homes / Medieval castle for sale
« on: April 23, 2013, 05:11:41 PM »
starting bid at 30k, 60k wins the house.

zombiepigman guranteed to be worth every coin.

Plea to be unbanned / Banned from mumble.
« on: April 11, 2013, 05:53:11 AM »
It has come to my attention that to many of the people I consider friends that I have been extremely rude and disrespectful. I did not know this until I got banned this morning. I am requesting to be unbanned now that people have gotten to share their true feelings with me. I was banned for arguing with an admin today. Over something as frivolous as a video card. I didn't think the video card was important at all, but felt like I was being attacked and needed to defend my self. Not to be mistaken for an excuse as for my rudeness, and in no way of condoning what I did, but a glimpse into how I was feeling at the time. If I am let back on to the server I will apologize to said admin, but ask that he do so in return. Only in doing this can we put this all in the past.

best wishes and good travels

Sell your products/homes / Buy your new clan home.
« on: April 11, 2013, 04:42:37 AM »
Are you not satisfied with your clan home? Are you a new and budding clan and need to get your own? This new clan home will blow other clan homes out of the water. The package includes a farm, fully functional beacon, an apartment complex, guildmaster's house, and a mall. IKR?!? A MALL! complete with 30 shops and plenty of space to add decor, stargates, etc. Not only does the clan home have all those features, it has one more feature. Room to grow. Starting with 8 node points stemming from the town centre, there are 3 unused nodes, plus plenty of room to extend the farm and/or apartment complex for more living space. Feel free to check out the attached pics and reply if you are interested. Nothing is decorated atm but if you are interested I am completely open to suggestions for renovation.

                                                                              LIST PRICE: 300000 (am willing to negotiate)

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