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Topics - btrumble

Pages: [1]
Sell your products/homes / My Iron Golem Farm!
« on: January 21, 2017, 07:03:00 AM »
I have an Iron Golem Farm that is at the Rangr Clan base that anyone can buy access to for 30k (if you aren't already part of the clan)!

The farm makes about a stack or two of iron per hour and it also farms poppies!

Until I get an SG for the clan base you will have to set a home at the farm.


Advertise Your Clan / Join New Rangr Clan!
« on: January 01, 2017, 03:16:29 PM »
Looking for members to join the medieval themed Rangr Clan!

The clan base is a medieval castle and village with a working portcullis, public farms, a mine, clan storage, and other public features. There are empty houses inside the castle and empty house lots outside the castle. There are also market stalls available (1 per member) and empty lots for shops that members can build. Clan goals include: building a cathedral and other buildings outside the castle, buying shops in malls if possible to raise money for a SG, and more!

 If you want to join, please chat to me or send me mail in the game or reply to this post!


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