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Topics - PegLegPegasus

Pages: [1] 2
General Discussion / What does Donating mean to you?
« on: May 23, 2017, 04:51:43 PM »
So a friend and I were debating some philosophical questions, and this one popped into my mind: What does donating mean to you.

I tweaked it a little so everyone could answer it, so it now looks like this: Donors: what does your donation mean to you? and Non-donors: What does donating mean to you?

Let me give some background. When I joined Famcraft in 2014, I was immature. Since then, Famcraft and real life things have changed me, and through that I have matured. I realized that I feel like my donor rank did influence that (I know that donor rank only adds a few perks and doesn't have very much effect on actual gameplay, but I was wondering). I like helping people, and, as a donor, I feel like it's my responsibility to help others on Famcraft. This is just my view on what my donation means to me, but I'm interesting in seeing how other players view the donor rank.

Plea to be unbanned / Banned (Sorry)
« on: April 01, 2017, 09:35:13 PM »
I tried to log on to the server, and It said I was banned for my skin. I guess I hadn't really thought about what my skin looked like, as I mostly play singleplayer. But since I rejoined Famcraft, I now realize that my skin wasn't the most family friendly-I have changed it now. I'm sorry about this issue, and it won't happen again-I'll check my skin to see if it's family friendly or not before I update it in game. I hope I can get unbanned, and if not, I understand. Good day to you all.

Report a grief / Someone destroyed my xp grinder that I was building
« on: August 26, 2016, 10:52:29 AM »
So I was building an xp grinder at 496262 39 879709, and I log off. I log on today, and my iron_fences are broken, the spawner is gone, and there is a cobblestone path. I put an emerald block in, and then I broke it, meaning to put a diamond block in, but never got around to it. Please help.

General Discussion / I'm not dead!
« on: August 19, 2016, 06:27:06 AM »
Hey guys, it's me, ViralVideo. I know I haven't have been playing at all recently, because my life is crazy. I hope to see you all on the server at some point or another. It'll be nice to see you all again!

Bugs and glitches / Mob Arena Wolves
« on: October 23, 2015, 04:32:06 PM »
I talked to Anna about this already, but just a recap. The wolves that spawn in the Mob Arena will hurt you, but they have the dog protection thing on them, so you can't hurt them. Another thing i noticed was that when a dog and a skeleton are in the arena together, the dog will become an angry wolf, and go up to the skeleton, but not do anything. Just letting the team know, and yeah.

General Discussion / Favorite block
« on: September 05, 2015, 09:06:42 AM »
My favorite block is polished granite? what's yours?

General Discussion / Posts
« on: February 12, 2015, 07:33:30 PM »
So I used to have 427 posts. Now I only have 225 posts? Does anyone know why this is?

General Discussion / Mlp fans
« on: January 06, 2015, 07:35:44 PM »
For those of you out there who like my little pony, this is the topic for you! Name your fav character from any season of mlp and any expansion (equestria girls).

General Discussion / Forum Ranks
« on: December 29, 2014, 10:33:21 PM »
this is my 300th post and i would like to ask about forum ranks. I think this has been talked about briefly, but im not sure.
My question is: what are the ranks, and at what number of posts do you recieve a new rank?


General Discussion / Branch forum game
« on: December 23, 2014, 09:18:42 PM »
so heres how this works. One person will start us off with 1 open-ended sentence. Then the next player will choose 1 of 2 endings supplied and make 2 more open ended sentences, and this keeps repeating.


player 1: ill start with: i went to the store and bought a pie
Player 2: it was a pumpkin pie, or, the store didnt have any pie
player 3: the store didnt have any pie, so...[option 1]
                                                                    [option 2]

ill start with: i decided to go to the store

Remeber the server rules and have fun!

Clan Fund Raisers / ElveS clan fundraiser
« on: December 18, 2014, 10:24:06 PM »
This is for ElveS, but we may change the name:
all this is towards the clan..
1k: 4 stacks of Iron
25k: Clan shop
50k: Clan shop and 2 hotbars' worth of iron ingots
100k: Mansion built out of choice materials (it may take a while though..)
500k: Access to 1 future spawner
1mil: Access to all future spawners
1.5mil: Honorary leadership

Just because this confuses people, if you donate more than 1 thing, say you donate 100k, then you get 4 stacks of iron ingots, a clan shop, 1152 iron ingots, and a mansion.

This money will be used for:

Stargates (Mostly)
Spawners (Mostly)
Expanding clan home

Feel free to donate! we are trying to make at least 500k for a sg.. If you would like to donate, mail me if i'm not present, or /w me if im ingame.


-serikwhite02 (a.k.a ~the_derp_master)

Bugs and glitches / Muted-by default i think
« on: December 12, 2014, 06:57:26 PM »
When i join the game or IRC, i am muted, i believe by default. Could one of the staff help me with this problem? (i thought i would put this under Bugs and Glitches instead of Plea to be unbanned because i thought that this was a glitch) again, if anyone can help me, i would be eternally gratefull

General Discussion / Screenshots
« on: November 27, 2014, 11:02:51 PM »
Hi, its me again :P

this time it is about screenshots. I dont know how to post them here on the forums, and i would like to, to show the community what i have been doing when i am not playing famcraft.


General Discussion / 100 posts!!!
« on: November 25, 2014, 09:46:25 PM »
the title says it all

General Discussion / Halp with avatar and such
« on: November 25, 2014, 08:46:08 PM »
hi fabulous famcrafters!
 can someone tell me how to get an avatar as well as:

1. resources (i.e. were it says [diamond] [dirt])
2. the little slogan thing

Also, when do you become a full member on forums? after 100 posts or 1000 posts?

See you ingame!

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