Following the rules will make your experience on Famcraft more enjoyable!
1 - Griefing (defacing) another player's property or stealing another player's items is not allowed...
Welcome to Famcraft! ----------------------------------------------------------------- Famcraft is one of the safest servers for a family to play on. We, unlike many other so-called family-friendly servers, make our players play by the rules we have set. Punishments range from simple kicks or muting, to letting a player know he or she was caught doing something very minor, to a permanent ban. Our rules are, for the most part, common sense--no swearing, no stealing, no defacing another player's property (called griefing), and no killing another player's animals. We also don't allow modified game clients that would give a player an advantage over another. We hold all of our players to these rules, no matter how long they have been with us. We have a large compliment of staff to help enforce the rules. All of our staff are extremely friendly and are not allowed to play favorites. The first thing a new player sees on Famcraft is a large number of staff and players welcoming them warmly to our great server. After the new player reads the rules, they are given a tour to learn how to use many of the plugins (modifications) the server offers to help make their time on Famcraft as fun as possible. Famcraft is an economy-based server that teaches kids about working to earn money, buying and selling items and services, and negotiating better prices. Our rules teach them to interact in a positive way, to pull their own weight when working in groups, and to be honest. We pride ourselves with the kind of players that choose to stay with Famcraft. We know that we have the best of the best players here and let them know every chance we get. We find that players who can't follow rules or are just out to make trouble don't stay long. They either become bored quickly from the lack of mischief on Famcraft or are removed by our staff quickly because of the mischief they cause. Famcraft is completely free to play on. There will never be any requirement of any kind for payment to play here. Players that donate to the server do not get any special treatment with the rules. Regular players, donators, and staff are all treated equally when it comes to the rules of Famcraft, which is what makes our great server better than the rest. -Chipw, Retired Sr.Mod and father of 2 players May 02, 2012, 11:26:42 PM by Thoatt | Views: 83120 | Comments: 1
Following the rules will make your experience on Famcraft more enjoyable! 1 - Griefing (defacing) another player's property or stealing another player's items is not allowed... Pages: [1]