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Messages - PixelProne

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General Discussion / Re: WHY IS MY 1.9 NOT WORKING???
« on: March 19, 2016, 11:20:33 AM »
Try going to the 1.9 snapshot and see if that works.

General Discussion / Re: Castle I'm building
« on: March 12, 2016, 10:06:45 PM »
I can get it tomorrow (Sunday) sometime in the afternoon lol

General Discussion / Re: Castle I'm building
« on: March 11, 2016, 04:12:54 PM »
Tooxpnsiv, When can I come get it?

Famcraft Tutorials, Links and Info / Changing your Minecraft skin
« on: March 10, 2016, 04:55:31 PM »
This guide will help you change your Minecraft skin if you aren't certain on how to do so.

1) Go to "minecraft.net".

This will be an important step. My advice to you is that you don't change your skin from other websites other than minecraft.net for your own account's safety, as well as whoever else's skin you're changing, from friend to family members.

2) Log in.

If you don't know how to log in, here's a photo and a link to show you where you need to log in.
The "Log in" button will be above the Steve playermodel. Here is the log in page. https://minecraft.net/login

You will need to log in with your e-mail and password you used when purchasing Minecraft.

3) Have a Minecraft skin ready

For this I will be using a chocolate bar skin. Save the skin to a place you will be able to get to easily, for example, your desktop.
After you've logged in to Minecraft.net, the page should look somewhat like this:

See that one button in the picture circled in red? Go ahead and click that.
When you click 'Profile' you should come up with a page on all of your info, etc. However, you will want to focus on the skin change part of that section.

Click "Choose file" in the red circle and choose the skin you saved, then click "Upload".
Let the site load and it should now say "Your skin has been changed! It will take a couple of seconds for it to update.".
Restart Minecraft and log in :)

Minecraft Player Skins / Re: Can't change skin
« on: March 10, 2016, 04:38:08 PM »
Currently crafting up a thread in the info and tutorials section of the forums on how to change your skin. Keep an eye on the section for new thread coming up there. ;D

Edit: nick what website are you on when you get asked the questions?

Minecraft Player Skins / Re: Can't change skin
« on: February 27, 2016, 11:35:44 AM »
Are you putting .net after you type 'minecraft' in the address bar? Whaf are you doing when you try to log in?

Forum Games / Re: Word Problems
« on: February 27, 2016, 12:13:02 AM »
Drew was the one who moved the house, while IronCreeper ate the sub-sandwich, which explains why the sandwich was there. The initials DMM stands for DrewsMagicMonkey (AKA, Drew). While Drew was moving the house, the wind must have blown his hat off, and IronCreeper must have left the sandwich.

  As I walked to the grocery store with my fairly large backpack and snacks, an interesting looking alley lured me away. So, of course, I walked in. When I looked behind me, a wall had blocked my exit, where I came from. I continued along the pathway. It slowly got dark outside, so I sat against a wall and decided to rest for the night. When I awoke, there was a message beside me, replacing my doughnuts, signed by someone with the initials IB. Naturally, I wondered who had the initials 'IB', but couldn't remember.
  I picked up my backpack and continued down the path. I discovered a hat with a blue ribbon on it. "Isn't this Drew's?" I asked myself, "Wait, no, Drew's hat has a red ribbon on it. Who do I know that has a hat with a blue ribbon? This hat feels familiar." I put the hat in my backpack and continued along. I saw my bag of treats in the middle of the path, opened and half-eaten, everything was gone except for the sweets. Who do I know who hates sweets, has the initials IB, and has a hat with a blue ribbon on it?

Forum Games / Re: Fill the blank in my sentence!
« on: February 25, 2016, 12:33:19 PM »
"The cookie jar exploded!"

There a_e many c_e_p_r_ outside!

Forum Games / Re: Fill the blank in my sentence!
« on: February 25, 2016, 10:02:59 AM »
I w_u_d like t_ go o_ an a_v_n_u_e!
"I would like to go on an adventure!"

_ like F_m_r_f_ a l_t!

Forum Games / Re: Would You Rather...?
« on: February 24, 2016, 11:30:24 AM »
WYR only be able to eat toast forever or only eggs forever?
Only eat toast forever, since I have more variety and I hate eggs.

Would you rather only have crayons or sharpies to draw with forever?

Forum Games / Re: Word Problems
« on: February 23, 2016, 10:28:08 PM »
I'll start.  :o

I was walking home from school with a bag of Oreos. I was in the neighborhood of two people, who absolutely loves Oreos. (We'll call them Jessie and Jeryle.) I put the cookies down to tie my shoe, and turned my back to them. When I got up to get my cookies, and they were gone.  Instead, there was a letter! On the front it was marked "to the strange person with Oreos:" I opened the letter, which read (in red),

"I apologize for taking your Oreos. You see, I am a huge fan of Oreos and love Oreos.  Please forgive me, and I will give you a new pack... someday. -Je"

You walk to both houses, are invited inside, and quickly look for pens as they get you some tea. Jeryle has red pens with blue, while Jessie has blue pens with red ink. 
[Next player may solve puzzle.]

Forum Games / Word Problems
« on: February 23, 2016, 10:16:57 PM »
  I like playing this game a lot. It's a twist on my favorite word problem puzzles.  :)

  This game is played by finding the answers to a person's story. A player will create a story with a minimum of one (1) mystery (or a maximum of four (4) mysteries). Your objective is to solve the mysteries, then make a compliment about it.

  Player one: I was watching TV and suddenly had a craving for some cookies, so, I walked into the kitchen and located where I put the cookies up, so Charlie wouldn't get to them. When I found the cookie jar (David, as we call it), all of the cookies were gone! There were five children in the house. Their names were Peggy, Paula, Patricia, Pan, and Petri.

Peggy has blue hair,
Paula has blonde hair,
Patricia has orange hair,
Pan has blue hair,
Petri has orange hair.

 The cookie jar has "Pe" engraved in the lid, and a strand of orange hair beside the jar.

  Player two: Since the jar has orange hair beside it, and "Pe" on the lid, it must be Petri!
                   I like how the story had a cookie jar in it! I like cookie jars! :o
(insert story here, game continues)


  Note: Since we're on the forums, feel free to include photos of the items in the story, if you'd like!  ;D

Forum Games / Re: Fill the blank in my sentence!
« on: February 23, 2016, 10:00:25 PM »
The s_n is v_r_ bright t_d_y, it i_ very w_r_ outside t_!
"The sun is very bright today, it is very warm outside too!"

This d_a_o_d armor i_ very h_a_y and t_u_h.

Forum Games / Re: Would You Rather...?
« on: February 23, 2016, 09:53:04 PM »
I'd rather eat 100 of the world's most spicy peppers. Didn't say I had to eat 'em all at once!

Would you rather...
Have yourself smell like sharpies for the rest of your life, or smell like Play-Doh for the rest of your life?

Forum Games / Re: Destroy The Bedrock
« on: February 21, 2016, 01:25:28 PM »
Well, I had something that would break it... but well... the sign says it all...

You were just out to roll in the lava, weren't you?

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