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Topics - adam1234adam

Pages: [1]
Plea to be unbanned / Brunnerkids
« on: January 29, 2013, 02:06:50 PM »

i realize what has happened, and my account has been banned for griefing, and i am extremely sorry for this, but i swear it wasn't me, because i NEVER grief, and other than me, my cousin is the only person to know my MC password. plus, he has been banned from SO MANY server because he is a massive griefer (don't take that the wrong way, i am a nice guy, i just love this server so much). but i have changed my password, and will never tell him it, i am sorry for the damage to your server. and i have to admit, i did kill some crops, and killed animals, but i never destroyed a persons house, and i felt really guilty for what i did, and i wanted to replace the stuff i destroyed, but i was banned and i couldn't. plus, if you want you can monitor me everytime i join the server. but of you do unban me (which i would be so happy for) i will repair any damage caused by other griefers.
but please, PLEASE i love this server, its the only one i ever played on, because most other family servers are annoying and don't let me do anything, so they are all cheesy and boring, but this server lets me be creative. this is honestly the best server ive EVER played on

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