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Topics - RubensCherub

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Famcraft Survival / Famcraft Classic FAQ
« on: June 20, 2016, 10:01:29 PM »
 The bad news is... we no longer have Famcraft 1.7  :( BUT!! The GREAT news is, we now have "Famcraft Classic"!!  ;D

 What is this "Famcraft Classic"? You ask? Famcraft Classic is our original map- most recently referred to as "Famcraft 1.7" but all freshly upgraded to 1.9, and linked to the main server via a StarGate at  /warp classic !!!!  :o  ;D  :o  8)

 Now, we realize many of you will have a LOT of questions about this, so we will do our best to address your questions and concerns in this post. Don't see your question answered here? Please post it and we will do our best to provide a reply.

FamClassic FAQ

You updated Famcraft 1.7? I thought you said you were never gonna, ever gonna, never- never do that!

 I.. did say that. I said that because at the time we were unable to upgrade 1.7 originally, there was a great deal of disruption and drama within the Minecraft community over politics we won't get into here.
 But basically, many of the developers of plugins we heavily rely upon said they were no longer going to be moving forward/supporting their plugins. :( So to us, it very much seemed that updating would never be possible.

 Over time, that drama has settled down. Old developers have returned, new devs have picked up old projects, and own own Admins (Thoatt and Kealper!) have learned even more about how to get outdated plugins back into working order. We've come a long way in this last year, and we finally have the ability to update 1.7 with minimal disruption to the server. It means a great deal to us to be able to bring the original map current so it does not get left behind.

But.. I LIKED Famcraft Classic being on 1.7.10.  I liked having the option of playing that version. I don't want it to be updated. :(

Sadly, we can not make everyone happy all the time. The Famcraft  Classic server has been lucky to have 5-6 visitors a month, and those visitors tend to be some of our Famcraft Main regular members and staff.
 We don't want to see our original map left behind. We feel that updating to 1.9 was the best choice for the server as a whole, and a nice way to honor the history of Famcraft. We hope you'll grow to love the Famcraft Classic server.

Will the Famcraft Classic server continue to be updated alongside the Famcraft Main server?

That is the plan. We hope to keep both servers running on the same version of Minecraft.

So, is Famcraft Classic on the SAME server as the main Famcraft 1.9 server? Or is it still on completely a different server?

Famcraft Classic is still on it's own server. Money, inventories, homes, clans and everything else is 100% separate just as it always has been. Only the chat and permissions are shared between servers.

Will my inventory be shared/move between Famcraft Classic and Famcraft Main?

No- they are two entirely separate servers. Everything will be separate.

Will my money be shared/move between Famcraft Classic and Famcraft Main?

No- they are two entirely separate servers. Everything will be separate.

Will my homes be shared/move between Famcraft Classic and Famcraft Main?

No- they are two entirely separate servers. Everything will be separate.

Will my clan be shared/move between Famcraft Classic and Famcraft Main?

No- they are two entirely separate servers. Everything will be separate.

Will my job levels be shared/move between Famcraft Classic and Famcraft Main?

No- they are two entirely separate servers. Everything will be separate.

Can you World Edit things to/from Famcraft Classic to/from Famcraft Main?

No- they are two entirely separate servers. Everything will be separate.

Can I send a /tpa request to someone on the other server?

No- they are two entirely separate servers. Everything will be separate.

Can I /call-woves between the two servers?

No- they are two entirely separate servers. Everything will be separate.

Can I /horse tp my horse between servers?

No- they are two entirely separate servers. Everything will be separate.

Can I use /home [homename] to move from one server to a home on the other server?

No- they are two entirely separate servers. Everything will be separate.

So... how DO I get to the FamClassic server?

Just visit /warp classic and use the StarGate to go to Famclassic. On the Famcraft Classic server, just visit  /warp Main to move back to the Famcraft Main server.

Will the Famcraft Classic server have it's own ip, like it has in the past?

No. The only entry point to the Famcraft Classic server will by via StarGate on the Main Famcraft server. There will be a StarGate available at /warp classic

Does the Famcraft Classic server have a job level cap now?

Yes- jobs are capped at Level 60. Any jobs that were past level 60 have been reverted to level 60. We understand some people will be unhappy with this. I lost levels myself. Sadly, this is a necessary change due to the broken economy and op enchants on the Famcraft Classic server.

The clan I had on 1.7 is gone now! Why?

  At the time we updated 1.7 to 1.9, there were only 7 active clans remaining-  BNVS, Cielo, TCoEA, Time, SkMag, Dash and TREES- Sadly, these clans will need to be recreated by their original owners. All of the other clans had auto-disbanded due to clan leader and clan member inactivity.

Can I recreate my clan or make a new clan on the Famcraft Classic server? Do I have to be in the same clan on the Classic/Main servers?

You can create a new clan or recreate YOUR OWN old clan. Please do not intentionally take someone else's old clan name. If this happens, the new "impostor" clan will be deleted at the admin teams discretion. You do not have to use the same clan name, or be in the same clan on the Classic/Main servers, they are two entirely separate servers.

Heellpp!! I can't find my old clan base!!!

We do have a list of many of the clan bases that existed in the year prior to us adding the new Famcraft Main server. If you know your clan name, we likely have coordinates and a staff member can probably take you to the clan home location.

Oh no! I can't find my home on the Famcraft Classic server!

First try - /home , you should see a list of homes. Please visit these locations to see if you can find your home. Next, try /ps location - this will give you the coordinates of any and all precious stones you have placed. IF you have to ask staff for help, please have as much info as possible about the home you are looking for, including what biome it is in, what materials it is made from, and the player names of any neighbors or roommates as we will need this information to attempt to find your home. We can not ALWAYS find lost homes, especially not on a server that has been collecting dust for a year- but we can try.

Will the empty mall shops on the Famcraft Classic server be put up for auction?

Yes! Hopefully Soon. We just want to give it a little time to make sure the Famcraft Classic server will be running smoothly before we do too much.

Can I still buy Fly on Famcraft Classic with the money I have on Famcraft Classic?

No- not currently. With the broken economy and op enchants on the Famcraft Classic server, we feel Fly might be too easy to obtain, after the update. If  we see that this is not the case, we may reverse this.

Does this mean there is no way to ever have /fly on the Famcraft Classic server?  :(

Nope! You CAN obtain /fly on the Famcraft Classic server, but for now, you'll need to purchase it with funds from the Famcraft MAIN server.

If I buy other permission packs or CoinShop access will they apply to Famcraft Classic AND Famcraft Main?

Yes, all perm packs bought on either server will apply to both servers. This means if you buy Fly on the Famcraft Main server, you will have /fly on the Famcraft Main server and the Famcraft Classic server.

I am missing a nick name or permission on Famcraft Classic that I recently obtained on the Famcraft Main server. Can I get it back?

Absolutely! Ideally, all your nick names and permission sets are supposed to match. If you are missing a name, a permission or coinshop access that you have purchased, just let us know and we will get you fixed right up.

Can I have two different nicknames on Famcraft Classic and Famcraft Main?

No. Name changes alone have caused enough confusion. We need to make sure everyone has the same name on both servers.

I can't spawn dragons on the FamClassic server?

Yes you can. You just need to use the end called "Dragon End" on the "World" gate at /warp sg. It is set up just like the Dragon End on the main server.

One more time, are you suuurree I can't move my inventory/homes/structures/jobs/job-levels/money between servers? I am 100% SURE I will ONLY be playing on ONE of the servers. Pleeeasssee!!??

 No. It's that simple. We will not be moving ANYTHING from one server to the other. Thank you for understanding.

Having both servers on the same version is confusing and I don't  like it- what can I do?

This change only has to effect you as much as you want it to effect you. You are not obligated to play on both servers. If you are enjoying your time on Famcraft, that's all that
matters. Just play where you want to play.

 Thank you all! Please do not hesitate to ask any questions you may have.

Famcraft Survival / Famcraft has updated to 1.9.4
« on: June 05, 2016, 03:06:38 AM »
 Famcraft has updated! You will need a 1.9.4 client in order to connect to the server.

 The last time we attempted to update, we had to revert to 1.8 on the very first day due to chunk generation issues on Mojang's part. This was entirely beyond our control. The version we have updated to - 1.9.4, supposedly has all the chunk generation/loading/unloading issues fixed.

 While this update is looking incredibly promising, we do consider the first 48 hours to be a bit of a trial period, meaning if anything major were to come up and cause serious issues it is not impossible we might have to once again revert to 1.8, which would mean losing any progress made on the 1.9 server during those first 48 hours or so of 1.9.4. We curently do not foresee this happening, we just wanted to mention it so we can all be prepared in the unlikely event there are issues.

 If you find any major issues or bugs you would like to report, please post a reply in this topic. Thanks!

 How to get Minecraft 1.9.4

1.  Start your Minecraft client

2. Log in

3. Click "Play"

4. Click  "New Profile" on the lower left of the startup screen

5. Type Minecraft 1.9.4 (or anything you like) for the profile name

6. Next to "Use Version" click the dropdown box and select 1.9.4

7. Click "Save Profile"

8. Click "Play"

9. Connect to survival.famcraft.com

10. Have fun!

 NO. We will never, ever, ever, ever provide a complete list of filtered words. Ever. It would go against everything Famcraft stands for.

 The warnings you receive from the filter do NOT count against you unless we see you were  swearing. The staff can see what was actually said. Please do not worry about these warnings. Simply try to rephrase your statement omitting any words, characters or or emotes you believe may be triggering the filter.

 Four or more of the same letter in a row will be caught by the filter. So will swear words, name calling and negative emotes as well as other words we find to be questionable. Additionally, words within words will be blocked. So if "top" was in the filter, "Stop" would trigger a warning, for example.

 Please keep in mind this is a family friendly server and be careful with your convo here. Also keep in mind the filter is a very important tool here. Never seen it work correctly? That means it is working perfectly. Thanks for understanding.

Plea to be unbanned / Luke880
« on: April 28, 2016, 06:10:43 PM »
 Luke.. Pretending to be your parent and blaming other people for your actions are two of the worst possible things you can do here.

 This is you, not a parent:

sorry me child hacked !    he loves talking to me about this server  :D
his friend ryan880 told him to  X-ray:'(    sorry for the X-ray    !    to: famcraft.com

:) my son is sad that he was banned . i know you banned him for breaking the rules on famcraft  :( but i was wondering if he can have 1 more chance ty if you let him!    i deleted his X-ray hack off his minecraft and set a lock on it  ;D   he is super sad but
ty for a safe server for minecraft! and btw this is the only server he can play on minecraft  :'( ty for reading it

idk how to plea so i just messaged you!

 This sort of behavior does not impress us very much here at Famcraft. A sincere admission of what you have done, and explaining why we can trust you not to do this again would be the best place to start.

Plea to be unbanned / Pleas from Ryan880
« on: April 21, 2016, 03:59:42 PM »

Sent via forum message: (Please post all pleas in the plea section , we do not accept private messages for pleas)

Dear Ruben,

   As you know on most servers the rules aren't always enforced this way I didn't know this would happen. I would love to be unbanned please I realized that I should not have stolen what I stole. I am very very very sorry for doing this. If you don't unban me I understand. Thanks for making a great server and keeping it nice and fair.

                                                                                                                                                                                             My apologize

Dear Ruben,

                I understand that I broken a major rule, no griefing. I am very sorry for what i have done. If you don't unban me i understand. Thank you for keeping the server as fair as possible. you run a great server and i know you will always keep it that way. thank you for taking the time to read this message. If it helps my minecraft username is Ryan880.

                                                                                                            Thank You,

Famcraft Survival / Famcraft 1.9 + Temporary 1.9 Creative Server
« on: March 01, 2016, 10:23:10 PM »
 The Famcraft 1.8 server WILL update to 1.9 as soon as the last of our plugins have updated so we can make a smooth and safe transition to the new version. We WILL NOT be changing maps. We will keep our current Famcraft Survival 1.8 map.

 We DO NOT have an estimated time-frame for when we might be able to update. You can trust that we are as anxious as you all are and we are keeping a very close eye on the plugins we are waiting for.

 In the meantime... We have added a TEMPORARY Famcraft Creative server running 1.9!!! You can connect to it by directing your 1.9 client to creative.famcraft.com  You can change your own gamemode between creative/survival. Enjoy!

 Please keep in mind all the normal Famcraft family friendly rules apply.

 This TEMPORARY creative server is ... you guessed it - NOT permanent.  This is just to give Famcrafters a chance to explore and experience the newest version of the game together. :D Please take tons of screenshots to remember your adventures on this TEMPORARY server. Did I mention it's only temporary?

 The current plan is to remove this server when we update the 1.8 server to 1.9. If we experience any major issues, we may have to remove it sooner and possibly without notice. Thank you for understanding.

Info for Parents / My Child's Player-name May Reveal Their Identity.. Help?
« on: February 13, 2016, 05:58:17 PM »
 Did you set up a Minecraft account for little Johnny only to learn that "JohnAlanSmith"  would actually be displayed in game? If so, no worries. Thanks to Minecraft's name-change policy you can now change a player's Minecraft username one time every 30 days.


1.) Visit http://mojang.com/

2.) Click "Account" on the upper right

3.) Click "Log in" on the upper right

4.) Enter the email address and password associated with the Minecraft account you wish you change the name for.

5.) Under "My Games" Locate "Minecraft"

6.) To the right of "Minecraft" you will see the date you purchased the account, and the username.

7.) Click (Change) next to the username.

8.) Enter the username you would like to have. Choose carefully! You are stuck with the name you choose for at least 30 days.

9.) Enter your password to confirm the change. and click "Change Name"

10.) Log in and show off your brand new player name. :D

** All items will transfer to your new name automatically on the server.

Info for Parents / My Child Does Not Read/Type Well. Can He Still Play?
« on: February 03, 2016, 09:07:56 PM »
 Even if your child is not yet an avid conversationalist he is more than welcome to join us here on Famcraft. Being able to read and type in chat is not a requirement to play on the server.
 We DO ask that you carefully review the rules with your child especially if they are not able to read the rules for themselves. Even if a player can not communicate in chat, we still count on them to learn and follow the rules.

 Also, please make sure your child knows even if they are not able to type in chat there may still be times a staff member will make an effort to get their attention or to get a parent to come to the computer to assist with an issue.

 Ways we might try to get a player's attention include:

*Teleporting to the player and walking or flying around them.

*Making "lightening" strike near the player to produce light and sound at their location.

*Displaying a large, bright pink message on the screen that includes their username

*Placing them in a fun playground-themed "jail" area they can not exit till we speak to a parent. There are some signs in the room to tell a parent how to contact staff.

Other ways we may non-verbally communicate with other players:

* "Bowing" to a player. The universal Minecraft "Hello!" Accomplished by pressing the shift-key.

* Jumping near a player. Another friendly Hello, or an effort to draw the player's attention to an area.

* Jumping towards or on something near a player. "Look at this". May be used to point out a helpful resource, or to point out an issue like failure to replant.

* Tossing something at the player, such as seeds or a sapling. We DO NOT give away items to players, so when this happens it is usually us asking a player to replant an area they missed at a public farm.

* Teleporting a player to a location of concern- example, a place they did not replant, or a place they broke something.

 While we do usually make an effort to communicate with a player if there is an issue and the player is online, if the player is unwilling or unable to respond they may be banned pending a plea from a parent so we can make sure to avoid future issues.

Info for Parents / My Child Says the Filter Blocks EVERYTHING He Types!
« on: January 27, 2016, 10:04:27 PM »
 If your child is telling you the filter blocks almost everything he types, he's probably right. Especially if he tells you like this: "Mom!!!! The Famcraft filter blocks EVERYTHING I type!!!!????"

 We have a very strict filter to compliment our very strict rules. The filter blocks swear words but it also blocks negative words like "stupid" and negative emotes like this glare you get when you child seriously disapproves of what you've just said -->" -_-" The filter will also catch filtered words-within-words. For example if "top" were in the filter, then the word "stop" would be blocked. So sometimes a player may type an innocent word, and the filter still may block it. Sadly, this is sometimes the price of safety.

 Staff can see what was ACTUALLY said to trigger the filter. Of course typos and slip-ups with emotes or standard non-swear negative-words do not count against players. We only ban if we see actually swearing or otherwise intentional acts of chat-abuse.

 The filter ALSO blocks spam, which is where most of our players run into issues. On Famcraft, "Spam" means four or more of the same character in a row. We know at first thought, this sounds over the top strict, but in practice, it is ideal.

 We often have 30 or more players on all typing in chat at the same time. Many players get very excitable in chat and really  go crazy on exteeeeeeeeending words and adding tons of really neato punctuation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeah!!!!!!!.
 When chat gets fast, it is already difficult to keep up with it. If players were to continue tacking on extra letters and punctuation, important chat would almost disappear entirely.

 Here is an example. Try to spot the player who actually needs staff help:

Kayle0345!!! Yaaaaaayyyy!!!! You're back!! Where were you?????????
Ohhhhh WOW! Check out this awesome sea temple!!!!!!
Loooooooook out here I come!!!!
What is THAT????? Was that a zombie villager?! Creeeeepy!!!
Heeelpppp!!! A ZOMBIE! I'm not kidding- runnnnn!!
Staff, I need help.
It's past my bedtime. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Did you remember to smelt more stone brick???? I neeeeeeed it!!!!!
IRK???? That's COOOOL!!

 When everyone tosses in just a few extra characters to be expressive, it really clutters up chat fast!

But cut that back a bit and we can see what's what. So we really like to help players try to get out of the habit of spamming.

Kayle0345!!! Yaay!! You're back!! Where were you??
Oh WOW! Check out this awesome sea temple!!
Look out here I come!!!
What is THAT?? Was that a zombie villager?! Creepy!!
Help!!! A ZOMBIE! I'm not kidding- runn!!
Staff, I need help.
It's past my bedtime. zzz
Did you remember to smelt more stone brick? I neeed it!!
IRK??? That's COOL!!

This is why we limit the use of too many characters in a row. It keeps chat neat and tidy and allows staff to see and respond to the messages of players who are needing assistance.

 So if you're child wants to avoid triggering the filter, here are some steps they can take-

1. Hold the spam. As long as you use three or less of the same character in a row, you'll be fine!

2. Try not to use really negative or insulting words.

3. Try not to use very negative emotes.

4. Above all else- make sure you do not use any real swear words D: yikes!

5. If an innocent word seems to trip the filter and you are not sure why you will just have to trust that it is blocked for a good reason. We are not able to explain the meanings of blocked words to players, as they are blocked for a reason.

Info for Parents / My Child keeps getting kicked for "AFK" ?
« on: January 27, 2016, 09:26:24 PM »
 If your child tells you they keep getting kicked for "AFK" - it's true! But this does not mean your child is in trouble. These kicks are not a disciplinary action. They are done automatically by the server once a player has been "Away from the Keyboard" (AFK) or inactive in game for 10 minutes.

 This automatic kick is for the benefit of both the server and the player. It benefits the server by preventing an unwanted build-up of mobs in the loaded area where the player is standing, and by giving staff an accurate count of players who are currently active on the server. And even more importantly, it helps protect the player and their inventory. For example, if a wandering creepers explodes and kills an afk player, after a mere 5 minutes, their items that were on the ground will despawn and be lost forever :( Nobody wants that. It's never a good idea to AFK for an extended period of time.

 An "AFK Pool" is any device intended to PREVENT the AFK kick. This includes things like minecarts on a track going in a constant circle, water pushing a player in a circle to emulate walking and jumping or bouncing machines to keep in game movement going even when the player is not actively in game playing. These devices are NOT allowed on Famcraft.

 If you child actually NEEDS to go AFK but still have Minecraft visible, or if they need to be still in the game for a long time like while writing a book then they can visit /warp afk - the only LEGAL AFK pool on the server. This is located at spawn and is safe from mobs and/or unwanted pvp.

 Thanks for taking the time to learn about our AFK kicks and policies.

 Now that your child has been playing on a multiplayer Minecraft server, they may have noticed that other players have cool custom skins. They may be tired of sporting the default Steve or Alex skin. No worries, you can be SuperMom/SuperDad and change their player skin to give them a fun new look :D

 We won't offer any links to websites for Minecraft skins here as sadly, some of them are not very family friendly. But I am sure you can find just what you are looking for using your favorite search engine.

 Here are four very basic skins we found at random skin hosting websites if you do not want to search for one. Instructions explaining how to change your child's playerskin are below the images.


Skins- right click and "save image"





To change your child's player character skin:

1.) Download a new skin and save it to a location you can find. You can right click to save one of the skins above if you do not want to search for one.

2.) Log in to your childs account at: https://minecraft.net/
*Remember, never share your password with anyone.

3.) Once logged in, click on "Profile" at the top of the page.

4.) Click on "choose file" and browse to the skin file you would like to use.

5.) Click "Upload".

6.) Relog into Minecraft to see the new skin.

* Not happy with the new look? You can click "Reset" at the bottom of that same page to return to the original default skin.

Info for Parents / My Child Lost Their Home or Forgot to /sethome
« on: January 27, 2016, 07:48:36 PM »
 If your child lost a home, please tell them not to worry. Staff can almost always find lost homes. All we need is some very basic info from the player. If you need to report a lost home, please have some of the following info available- the more the better, but any of it will help (and it does not have to be 100% accurate, just as close as the player can recall) -

- The last block the player PLACED at the location

- The last block the player BROKE at the location

- Did the player open a door or chest at the location recently?

- Are there any signs or chests at the location?

- Does the player have a "Precious Stone" anti-grief blocks placed at the location?

- Does the player have any room-mates in the game who may have a home at the location?

- What is the main type of block is the home made from?

- What type of biome is the home in? (Snow, A Jungle, Sandy - doesn't have to be precise, just a basic idea is fine)

 Once you have this info, just contact a staff member or put in an "Admin Help Request" here: http://tools.famcraft.com/request-an-admin/

Info for Parents / Whitelist? I thought Famcraft was NOT a WL'd Server
« on: January 27, 2016, 07:36:19 PM »
 Famcraft is not a whitelisted server. There is no whitelist at all for a large portion of each day most of the time. During this time we are open to the public and anyone and everyone is free to join. The timeframe the whitelist is off varies day to day with staff availability.

 We utilize the whitelist to maintain a good staff:player ratio. We do not want to have an influx of 20 new players if only one staff member is online because we like to offer individualized attention to help each new player get acquainted with the server.

 Once a player has joined and learned the rules, then spent a little time on the server we do add them to the whitelist. This allows the player to join and play anytime they like.

 The whitelist is just another tool we use to help keep our community safe.

Info for Parents / How "Moderated" Are We Talking, Here?
« on: January 27, 2016, 06:58:02 PM »
 How thoroughly is Famcraft moderated? Your family's safety is important to us. We usually have a staff team of 15-20 members who are on and off the server all hours of the day and night.

 Everything on Famcraft from public/private/clan chat to block placing/breaking and economy transactions are all logged and recorded. Additionally, all public and private chat is monitored when staff is online.
 If you feel a chat or message issue has been over looked, simply contact an admin with the details and we can review the logs to make sure all is well.

 Staff moderates the server not only to keep chat clean, but to keep chat civil. We do not tolerate mean-spirited remarks or a surplus negativity here.

 In addition to moderating the chat, we also watch out for questionable player interaction such as unwanted pvp. We also keep an eye-out for other unwanted activity such as stealing or griefing.

 We do our best to pay attention to everything that goes on here. That said, we are all human and chat can get very busy at times so it is not impossible for us to miss things from time to time.

Info for Parents / Do You Have To Donate to Play Here?
« on: January 27, 2016, 06:12:49 PM »
 Are donations required? Never ever. This server is NOT pay-to-play OR pay-to-win. This is straight and simple a free-to-play public server.

 Donations are always appreciated but never required or expected. Our players contribute to Famcraft just by being valuable rule-following members of our community.

 We do have a donations system and we do offer donation rewards. The rewards we offer are cosmetic and do not effect actual game play. Nothing in the game is restricted or removed for non-donations. Everyone is treated equally here. Famcraft plays fair.

 If you want to learn more about Famcraft donations, you can visit the link below. Again, there is never any obligation to donate.

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