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Messages - badbh222

Pages: [1] 2
General Discussion / Re: Plenary and his dreams....
« on: June 27, 2013, 03:11:10 PM »
Chris *thinks* it's bk. He also thinks we make jokes about him, but I'll be honest, I'm scared of Plenary. Last time he terrorised the server he took away all my permissions, like I was a new player. I believe micah had to log into the server and block his IP manually to get rid of him.  :(

Bugs and glitches / Re: Jobs - Netherworker - Furnace not paying
« on: June 27, 2013, 02:49:42 PM »
Isn't it suppose to pay after you remove the smelted items from the furnace?

No it's supposed to pay for each item smelt, so that it works with hoppers and such.

I'm not really sure why it's not paying at all now Flame.  :-\

General Discussion / Re: Plenary and his dreams....
« on: June 27, 2013, 02:42:40 PM »
bk and Plenary have been on the server at the same time and the staff that are able to lookup and compare the IP addresses find 2 different IP's, so it definitely is not bk.  ???

Bugs and glitches / Re: Jobs - Netherworker - Furnace not paying
« on: June 27, 2013, 08:28:47 AM »
Like I said, it is, of course, fixable by the dev, but it would mean he would have to track every furnace (and other Jobs-related blocks) inside the plugin itself and due to the number of possible blocks to keep track of, it would be terribly inefficient to do so.  :-\

Bugs and glitches / Re: Jobs - Netherworker - Furnace not paying
« on: June 26, 2013, 03:33:37 AM »
It is still the same problem, when you leave and the chunk unloads, the custom MetaData for that block is lost, custom MetaData applied by Bukkit is not persistent, when the chunk is unloaded and reloaded, a new instance of that Block is loaded into memory with none of the previous custom MetaData.

It *is* fixable by the Jobs dev, but it would cause a bit of overhead and would not be as practical as this, plus it kind of limits players to be around their furnaces until they are done smelting to get the full payment, which is nice in my opinion.

General Discussion / Re: Plenary and his dreams....
« on: June 26, 2013, 02:40:43 AM »
This screenshot was taken by me on September 7, 2012, well before the "Wallpaper creator" was mentioned here. I think I was even a Jr.Mod at this time.  :o

Bugs and glitches / Re: Jobs - Netherworker - Furnace not paying
« on: June 25, 2013, 03:45:03 PM »
After looking at the source code of Jobs some more, I *think* I know what the problem is, Jobs stores the name of the player that started smelting as an NBT Tag in the block, and when the fuel runs out and the furnace is changed from a lit furnace to an unlit furnace for a split second, it loses that NBT Tag... Maybe.  :-\

Plea to be unbanned / Re: I'm sorry, ban plea for scratnum
« on: June 24, 2013, 03:14:14 PM »
I'd just like to say that we, as staff, do not hold grudges or "hate" people, we just dislike the bad things they do.

However, based on your past actions I'm fairly convinced that you will not be unbanned. I will leave it to another admin to make the final decision though.

Famcraft Survival / Re: Suggestions
« on: June 22, 2013, 12:53:54 AM »
For 1 I think we should have weather signs at the mall that let you make it NIGHT and RAINY, I dont know why you would need one for rainy but I have good reasons for a night sign, If you are waiting for it to be night so you can set a home with a bed somewhere, you normaly would have to wait up to 20 minutes, if you could just go to the mall and make it night, you could set your spawn instantly! Or say you have a day-night sensor redstone contraption you want to try out? Or maybe you made a firework show?

If there was a sign to change it to night, there will most definitely be conflicts. Most players prefer working/building in the daylight (if they are outside, of course), when the sun slowly starts setting and they can see it's about to be night time, they can head back to their home/base and do something else to pass the night time in safety. If it were to suddenly become night time, I could imagine they wouldn't be happy, there would be mobs spawning around them and they've lost some of their available working time.

Another thing that I think should be on the server is a command like /head or somthing, so that once you type the command and right click on a player skull it would tell you who's head that was, I think this would come in handy at certain times.

I made this plugin 5 minutes after you had PM'd me with the idea and I had forgot to reply. We will see what the other admins and players think (if they reply) but I imagine it won't be a problem to add this since it doesn't affect gameplay in any way.  :)

Bugs and glitches / Re: Redstone locks up!
« on: June 04, 2013, 09:53:26 PM »
From what I can see, that redstone isn't really achieving anything other than delaying the signal coming from the top left (where I assume the daylight sensor is). I don't know why it's locking up, though.

If you can catch me online I'll be happy to help out.  :)

Famcraft Tutorials, Links and Info / Famcraft Plugins by badbh222
« on: June 03, 2013, 08:58:44 AM »
Warp To Death Point:

GraveWarp allows you to teleport back to the place you died, or a safe place nearby, if there is one.

Using the command "/back" will cost $1000 each time, or $500 for donors who have donated $30 or more. Once you have been teleported to the place of your death, you will have 20 seconds of invincibility to recover any items you lost and/or kill the mobs that killed you in the first place and get out of the area (or not  :P). After using the command there is a 5 minute cooldown before you are able to use it again, stay sa

Rotating/Flipping Blocks:

RotateBlocks allows you to... rotate blocks, while holding a Stone Axe or better. The block you are trying to rotate must be protected by LWC (You must be the owner of the LWC-locked block) and/or PreciousStones, to prevent griefing, you must of course be allowed by each protection as well. Almost every block that has directionality can be rotated (Stairs and slabs can even be flipped while sneak+right clicking!). Some blocks such as furnaces and fence gates that have their own right-click functions require you to be sneaking while you right click them to rotate.

Rule Books and Tour Guide Books:

Rulebooks is the plugin that gives new players a copy of the Rule book when they first join. You have access to the command "/rulebooks", which can be followed by the name of a book that has been added to the plugin, for example "/rulebooks rules" will give you a copy of the Rule book in English, there are also other translations available.
There will soon be a "/rulebooks list" command!

Weather and Time Signs:

WeatherSigns adds two signs at the mall ("/warp mall"), one is marked "Weather" and the other marked "Time". As you should notice, the Weather sign is used to clear the rain/snow from the server, while the Time sign is used to set the time to day, both of these, however, cost $100000, or $50000 for donors. You simply right click on the sign to make it work. Each player can only use each sign once per (real) day, to prevent spamming.
I will be adding more features to this plugin soon(ish), most notably a confirmation system so people can't (as easily) accidentally use these signs.

Who Is This Player Skull?:

WhoIsThisPlayerSkull is very simple, just right click on a player skull with an empty hand and it will tell you whose skull it is! No commands needed.  ;D

General Discussion / Re: pets :)
« on: April 12, 2013, 05:42:42 AM »
My kitty :3

Advertise Your Clan / Re: BNVS
« on: January 12, 2013, 11:25:05 PM »
You must be a member for at least two weeks to be able to use it, and people who have paid for it, get first priority when using my farms.

What if said person helped build said farm? c:

Plea to be unbanned / Re: ban appeal part 2 (the first one was closed)
« on: January 05, 2013, 11:27:00 AM »
Again, rule-lawyering will not help you. You were banned for cheating. Simple as that.

What are you trying to accomplish by continually posting here? The decision is final, there is absolutely nothing you can do to be unbanned.

Plea to be unbanned / Re: ban appeal part 2 (the first one was closed)
« on: January 05, 2013, 10:51:37 AM »
The answer is no, there is nothing you can do to be allowed back on the server.

As Micah said: "You've broken rule #6 twice now. Famcraft is a no-cheating survival server. Please go somewhere else."

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