Pleas and Troubleshooting => Plea to be unbanned => Topic started by: Jossica01 on March 29, 2016, 06:12:54 PM
Hi Anna. Its been a long time since I have even talked to anyone or even wrote a plea. well today I am going to write my plea. The reason on why I was banned was because I caused drama and made the chat chaiotic. I realized now that what I did was really wrong. If I am added back I promise that I will be better and not go into other player's buissness anymore because I have matured a little more then how I was before. I hope you can reply to me soon Anna!
- Jossica01/Jess_A_witz
Thank you for taking the time to post a plea.
Your plea is very nice. It reflects how much you've matured over the past year. It's clear that you understand exactly why you were banned, and that you've learned from it. I believe you'll do just fine here now. Please make sure you review the rules at /spawn. The tour info is at /warp tour if you need to refresh your memory. We will look forward to seeing you back on the server. Welcome back.