Pleas and Troubleshooting => Bugs and glitches => Topic started by: minecraftkid5505 on January 26, 2013, 07:29:58 PM
Help, There is a bug that I can see through Stuff!
Do you know how to take/post a screenshot?
Minecraftkid, restart Minecraft, and when you log in select "options" and check "force update". Let us know if this fixes your issue.
It may just be unloaded chunks or you are trapped in a block and can see through any adjacent blocks. Or none of the above. :-X
Its happend me much times and you just close Mc and start it again and its fixed
And if not i Have No ide
So sad fog but use a ender pearl down and.mine it or if its 1 block high mine first then use ender.pearl
For the record me and Anna found a way of flooding the diamond out :o
Foghorn, If this happens to you often I could give you a chest of enderpearls lol