Pleas and Troubleshooting => Bugs and glitches => Topic started by: o0Flint0o on March 11, 2013, 06:27:13 PM
I only say this because I made an alliance with Cielo a while ago, to find it disappeared the next day. I just assumed that they just removed it. Now, not too long ago, I remember seeing a bunch of clans in a rivalry with each other. I looked at the rivalries/alliances today and found them all gone!
I'm mainly wondering if it's a glitch...or for some reason everyone just wants to remove their alliances and rivalries the next day. I myself find it a little hard to believe so I went ahead and made a forum on it.
I think it did it again. I made a rivalry with Suh to try to test it out, and before I knew it, not only is that rivalry gone, all the other rivalries I saw from today are gone, as the same with alliances.
We had this happen once due to a bug, Ill look into it once I have time.
IIRC last time we fixed it by completely killing the java process during a server restart. However, we've done that several times since this bug was reported and I don't think it fixed the situation this time :(
Yes, it is a bug. We would never remove you as an ally of Cielo. <3