Pleas and Troubleshooting => Bugs and glitches => Topic started by: Rundrop on March 20, 2013, 08:58:25 PM
So i've found this annoying bug where every time I try to place a chest or furnace minecart onto a rail it just, disappears. Do you guys know whats causing this? Is it that we are on a modified 1.4.7 client and its glitchy? Please let me know,
Yours truly -Rundrop
can you be precise as to if you get any errors, how can we duplicate this, what are the coords to where this is happening?
Huh... sorry rundrop but I never noticed this post :( I dunno why not. Does the bug stlil occur with 1.5.1?
It doesn't, it was an issue with the fake 1.5 we were running.
yeah It was only an issue in the modified 1.4.7, and sorry for not posting earlier I didn't see the responses untill now :p