
Clan Chat => Advertise Your Clan => Topic started by: japanimator on June 28, 2013, 11:36:18 AM

Title: The Build Guild [japanimator's clan]
Post by: japanimator on June 28, 2013, 11:36:18 AM
Like to build a lot in Minecraft? Have an interest in architecture? Then come and join The Build Guild! As our clan manifesto states, we exist for the purpose of taking on build jobs. While this clan encourages member independence, we hope to foster a kinship between players who are passionate about the building aspect of Minecraft.

Our main office and full clan manifesto are located at the x-y coordinates [26,065;27,899].


If you are interested in joining, ask me when I'm online or send me a message in-game if I'm offline via:
/mail send japanimator [message]
Title: Re: The Build Guild [japanimator's clan]
Post by: japanimator on June 28, 2013, 11:50:27 AM
Here are a few screencaps of work I have done so far:

Client: FamcraftHobo

Jungle Home

Swamp Home "Marsh Landing"
Title: Re: The Build Guild [japanimator's clan]
Post by: pyfinnerty on June 28, 2013, 01:21:38 PM
Can I have the build guild build me a house?
Title: Re: The Build Guild [japanimator's clan]
Post by: japanimator on June 30, 2013, 02:25:13 AM
Sure! :) Just know that at the moment we are working on some projects and are kinda swamped as we are a small clan, and so we won't be able to work on your house as soon as possible. You can send me a message on here or mail in-game on more details about your request, and we will send a scout to check out the area you have in mind as the site for your house.

As per clan policy we normally don't have specific rates when it comes to jobs, and only set an amount after we see how much work the job requires. However, we do offer discounts if you help with the build or provide supplies.
Title: Re: The Build Guild [japanimator's clan]
Post by: pyfinnerty on June 30, 2013, 02:20:11 PM
K thanks!  :D
Title: Re: The Build Guild [japanimator's clan]
Post by: KittyMew113 on July 01, 2013, 05:05:04 AM
I would love to join this clan, but I'm in a clan already  :'(