Pleas and Troubleshooting => Bugs and glitches => Topic started by: 1869_Flame on July 10, 2013, 06:11:53 AM
It seems i cant see the full list at /clan roster.
Also i tried /clan roster <tag> <pagenr> but it always shows page 1.
Im i doing it wrong? or is there a small bug here ?
There's an option in simpleclans config to adjust the number of lines returned for each command. Maybe we should make it 50? :D
Can you make it like 120 so I can see all of Cielo's roster?
There's an option in simpleclans config to adjust the number of lines returned for each command. Maybe we should make it 50? :D
Ah yes that would work.
I cant see my current clan roster now, so i dont know who to kick for inactivity and such haha
50 would work too as I could get through all the people who have disappeared.
How many lines is the chat history? 64? :P
so.. when does it get set to 50 ? :-\
Whenever micah gets to it, don't rush him, he's a busy guy (or at least that is the argument I am going to use)
Okay I bumped up everything that looked related to numbers of lines to 50. There are so many redundant and undocumented settings in the simpleclans config that it's very hard to tell what you're changing and whether it will be sufficient. Feedback is welcomed.
If i see correct, and understand java correct, there is a bug in the source.
If i look in RosterCommand.java or the RosterAnyCommand.java i see this code:
public void execute(Player player, String[] args)
int page = CraftCommandManager.getPage(args);
so looking at the getPage method, i see this:
public static int getPage(String[] args)
if (args.length == 1)
return getPage(args[0]);
return 0;
But the parm args are not set in that roster command if i understand correct, so it will always return 0.
I think this is why there is no roster page 2
If you want to tell me which class contains the code I can try to correct it. Alternatively you can repackage it for me and send it my way :)
i just used the github to look for the roster command.
i found it over here:
and that getpage i found here:
i see now that the list has become bigger :D
thank you!
I didn't change the code yet. Is the new view ingame sufficient?
Yea ingame is way better now