Clan Chat => Sell your products/homes => Topic started by: DiamondHero8 on September 30, 2013, 05:10:06 PM
Hey guys im looking for someone who would sell me a fortune 20 pick for 250k if anyone has one they would want to sell me one for 250k reply to this topic or msg me ingame or mail me.
Thank you for your time
Considering I normally see Fortune 10 picks go for 300-500K, I would be very surprised to see a Fortune 20 go that cheap. Usually they go for around 1 million.
Considering I normally see Fortune 10 picks go for 300-500K, I would be very surprised to see a Fortune 20 go that cheap. Usually they go for around 1 million.
Flame got one for 250k so maybe i can too lol
i was just extremely lucky :D
I've sold one for 2 mil, I would say he got really really lucky.