Pleas and Troubleshooting => Bugs and glitches => Topic started by: zRise on October 04, 2013, 02:19:46 PM
Due to something going wrong with the new "Wasteland" plugin i have lost my survival inventory and it has instead been replaced by my wasteland inventory over both worlds for this reason my whole inventory is now missing with full 30 enchant gear but due to this my ender chest is now empty where in survival it was full of my best pics including all of my donor items.
Due to me losing all of this and especially after donating to a server i quite frankly love as i enjoy being on it that much to just lose everything i have lost all inspiration for all my projects and the server in general.
I hope this problem is resolved in the future and any information would be greatly appreciated
-Kurt (zRise)
Sorry that we cannot help you :-[
Incorrect information, sorry for the confusion. - Thoatt
well i really dont understand especially how easy it is to check up on these things and for me to be penalized for something that was quite frankly someone elses fault is unacceptable to me especially after the extremely large donation i offered for me to basically lose it all, it just sends me the message that the staff dont particularly care especially since its donors like me that actually keep the server running for me to be cheated out of this due to a plugin being installed that i would have expected to have been checked before being made public. i am really disappointed and quite Frankly let down by this outcome.
Sorry that we cannot help you :-[
This is a completely different situation than a player dying.
zRise: We have backups of your enderchest and we will be restoring it. It takes a server restart to restore it though. We can do this at 5 am. Please empty your inventory in both survival, and wastelands before you log off today, and it will be handled at the 5am restart. We are really sorry for this glitch and we work very hard to fix server issues like this. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Really sorry but my enderchest still hasn't restored, i know this is not anyone's fault but i was a little angry at the time :)
:o Check the enderchest in both worlds. They are not linked. Please let us know if there is still an issue.
still no luck; its still completely empty :'(
Thanks for letting us know. We will look into this.
We've resolved this issue. Thank you for reporting it zRise :D