Pleas and Troubleshooting => Bugs and glitches => Topic started by: Magimester on August 13, 2012, 08:01:14 AM
This happened on the 11th of august 2012 at roughly 1200 greenwich + 1
I was mining obsidian for money. Suddenly i broke into lava (naturally as some of the lave had not yet been turned into obsidian). As there was a hole in beneath the lave pouring the lave didn't move and i continued mining. a few seconds later the lave suddenly started to move and i caught fire and took lave damage. nI new that i needed to teleport homeso i typed in /home 1 and excecuted. At the time of excecution i had 2 and a half hearth left. Instead of teleporting me it doubled the speed of damage, i died and lost all my stuff. It did not say unknown command and it was excecuted. Don't know what happened but i lost a lot of stuff that i am going to state following:
1 diamonds pickaxe with effeiciency IV and Unbreaking III and Silk Touch I.
1 other diamond pickaxe with effeiciency IV and Unbreaking III and Fortune III
1 diamond sworf with sharpness IV and Knockback II
1 stack and 40 obsidian
44 torches.
! set of iron armor with half durability left.
And 25 lvls on me.
Plus some food that i can't recall.
That's all. Don't know if you can restore it...
But it's really frustrating
An unfortunate byproduct of using the latest release candidate of bukkit is that it lacks optimization and 2 of our anti-lag plugins are not yet compatible with it. This is resulting in the server lagging a lot, as you all can easily see when opening chests, etc. The lag affects everything in the game, from how long the day/night lasts, how long iron takes to smelt, crops to grow, mobs to react to your presence and, unlucky for you, lava to flow and damage dealt to be updated.
Essentially, when you typed /home 1, you were already dead. The server just had not let you know yet.
A word of caution as we continue to experience this lag: try to avoid precarious situations in which you need to respond quickly to a threat, like mining under lava, or working on the edge of a cliff. The is unfortunately the price we pay for getting 1.3.1, for now.
Will i get my stuff back. If the lava had been flowing i would have blocked it off. The lava took me by surprise and that was how i got killed.
No, you won't be getting your stuff back. If you left the nonflowing lava there with nothing to block it, you were trying to take advantage of a glitch but died in the process.
I was not trying to take advantage of a glitch. I believed that there was lava below the moving lava and that that resulted in the lava not moving any further. I never take advantage of any glitches
I didn't mean to imply you were doing it intentionally... I meant that you would have reacted differently if the lava had been acting correctly and the damage had not been delayed by lag.
Regardless, we don't replace property due to glitches like this. It is a risk every player takes when playing minecraft online with bukkit's 'advantages'.
An easy thing to do is to stay away of lava