Clan Chat => Sell your products/homes => Topic started by: Lord_Puggy on January 17, 2014, 06:11:03 PM
Guys as some of you know i live in a bad cave with lots of chests and such im asking for someone to make me a cool underground base/house with some special features i am willing to pay 100k (max) for it (if it is worth it)
so if you want to make 100k make me a awsome house with cool awsome special features such as cool storage farms (compact)
reply if u will or not first person to reply gets the job/task
Hey Puggy. Check out my place and see what ya think. I have built about half my homes underground, complete with farms.
Hey Puggy. Check out my place and see what ya think. I have built about half my homes underground, complete with farms.
Omega thanks for the offer but i want a brand new house all decorated with storage farms automatic stuff
Hey pugs, it's Hayden here. I'm currently building something for totals, so your house will probably be my next project.
I would love to build ur base there's one problemo I have a ton of schoolwork this year and don't have the time + I'm building in progress a skyscraper a modern airbase a more efficient farm for my clan I'm stuck sry but i cant
This will cheer you up
A nice kitty looking after a nice puppy
I can lord puggy
Does it have to be completely underground? Does it have to be secret? because none of those things are needed unless you live in a VERY crowded area. Also, it is better to have animal/crop farms on the ground level then underground. Just a suggestion ;)
i would love it tobe fully underground i will buy the spawn eggs and the grass :P
K. Can it be hidden underground but fully exposed?
hayden wanna work together on this?
Um... as long as you don't get any profit from it.
Or you can just start your own then show it to piggy.
k just sometimes i get bored
Sorry pugs, this is taking a lot of time and money and the final price will probably be around 800K. Is that ok with you or should I give up?
Sorry pugs, this is taking a lot of time and money and the final price will probably be around 800K. Is that ok with you or should I give up?
i said i will help get the resources im not paying 800k that is too much i will pay bout 250k i will help to get the resources like i said
i already used 600K on the materials. I have a plan, ill PM you shortly.
Bump :P
75 percent finished :D All I need to build is the main base and a storage.
Woah, woah, woah! What's this I hear of? I thought I was commissioned for this... Puggy, feel free to unravel my confusion if you would.
Nothing against you Hayden, but Puggy recently (last week, at time of post) hired me to build a storage/smeltery base, and I'm trying to figure out what's going on here, because it sounds like someone's already undertaking the project, here... I'm quite confuzzled.
Lol i didnt know that either,
puggy, whats happening?? :o