General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Stitch 🔷 Jordyn on March 31, 2014, 03:19:22 PM
So, I'm making this topic as a place to share anything you have or are possibly looking at buying (as long as ALL content shown follows Famcraft rules entirely). If you have something interesting like a favorite childhood toy, collection of fun things, or Minecraft creation, share us the story!
Lemme start here! I found this online earlier...
http://www.amazon.com/Top-Decal-Stitch-Macbook-Protector/dp/B005XUG56U/ref=pd_sim_t_1?ie=UTF8&refRID=1QGP9RVQ8S4H49RJC90Q (http://www.amazon.com/Top-Decal-Stitch-Macbook-Protector/dp/B005XUG56U/ref=pd_sim_t_1?ie=UTF8&refRID=1QGP9RVQ8S4H49RJC90Q)
To all of our Macbook users... y u no buy yet? ;D I wanna see this on *someone's* computer XD
Anna, you is girl, you wanna uh... buy these? :D
http://www.jinx.com/content/prod/3854p_99c_1b.jpg (http://www.jinx.com/content/prod/3854p_99c_1b.jpg)
Anna, you is girl, you wanna uh... buy these? :D
[url]http://www.jinx.com/content/prod/3854p_99c_1b.jpg[/url] ([url]http://www.jinx.com/content/prod/3854p_99c_1b.jpg[/url])
I already have the matching pendant. (Yes, I am serious.)
If you're looking at me, Stitch, I ain't putting stickers on nuthin.
LOL, I knew you had a Mac, but I didn't know it was in laptop form... And quite honestly, I don't like decorating my things either, but this I would totally do :P Although I might say that $18 is a bit much...
http://www.clipular.com/c/6233349563613184.png?k=JQSkDYXSYfKL0iHFQ-khSWBCEck (http://www.clipular.com/c/6233349563613184.png?k=JQSkDYXSYfKL0iHFQ-khSWBCEck)
I already have the matching pendant. (Yes, I am serious.)
:o lol
[url]http://www.clipular.com/c/6233349563613184.png?k=JQSkDYXSYfKL0iHFQ-khSWBCEck[/url] ([url]http://www.clipular.com/c/6233349563613184.png?k=JQSkDYXSYfKL0iHFQ-khSWBCEck[/url])
LOL, mee too XD I'm sure if everyone had the opportunity, they would as well :P
So uh.. Stitch and I were near his house at something he was showing me and it became night. since we were in a desert a ton of mobs were spawning. Now when i say this, i don't mean like 5, 10, or even 20. I mean a TON. There were at least 25 mobs around us at any time. I was newbie and ender pearled onto a building nearby while stitch was bashing on the mobs with his fancy OP weapons and armor. Even with him doing this there were still mobs spawning. Near the end of the night, i came down, and a which spawned and stitch killed it for me because i no carry things. Then, I spy a Chicken-jockey (baby zombie riding a chicken) running towards me. I told Stitch as he was finishing of the last of the mobs as it was daytime now. Instead of killing it, we marveled at it and how it had chosen to show its rareness to us :o . Stitch then question what it would say if a Chicken-jockey killed me. I wanted to find out too so i sacrificed myself to the almighty jockey and the death message was: "vespamartio was killed by a zombie". Not very exciting... I had emptied my inventory of course but the jockey still picked up something... my HEAD. We then attempted to put a name tag on it, but being the incompetent mob it was, it suffocated itself...
Here are some screenshots (and by some, i mean all) :P
EDIT by Kealper: Please try to keep things family-friendly.
I tell ya'... we laughed our stomachs out! XD That was absolutely the funniest thing I've seen all week... Looking back at these screenshots now; man, I'd make a GREAT pin cushion!
And THIS is why I stopped playing my banjo in public... Ok, so maybe it's a ukulele... Shh
/me takes a stroll down memory lane for the rest of the day ::)
/me dreams of this for the next week...
http://www.overclockersclub.com/vimages/news/news31011_8678-red_harbinger_transforms_your_desk_into_a_monster_gaming_pc.jpg (http://www.overclockersclub.com/vimages/news/news31011_8678-red_harbinger_transforms_your_desk_into_a_monster_gaming_pc.jpg)
Why why why, this porch is bigger than mine :(
/me dreams of this for the next week...
[url]http://www.overclockersclub.com/vimages/news/news31011_8678-red_harbinger_transforms_your_desk_into_a_monster_gaming_pc.jpg[/url] ([url]http://www.overclockersclub.com/vimages/news/news31011_8678-red_harbinger_transforms_your_desk_into_a_monster_gaming_pc.jpg[/url])
Why are these not consumer-available? My guess is because of the complete ridiculousness and the probability of it costing multiple thousands of dollars... Man that'd be fun to have, LOL.
When I show Jordan "a surprise": http://37.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_md3ptaQBEa1rj3fxpo1_500.gif (http://37.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_md3ptaQBEa1rj3fxpo1_500.gif)
(I'm lilo :P)
^ His image in non-link form