Pleas and Troubleshooting => Plea to be unbanned => Topic started by: CN_neer on May 24, 2014, 07:42:37 AM
I was banned for griefing/spamming/being inappropriate. I was banned like a year ago, and I just learned that there was a famcraft website. I apologize to everyone there, for spamming, and saying inappropriate stuff. Also, for Haydenthebuilder,
I didnt mean to break is redstone. So i sent a msg to him in his language, and the admin who turned on social spy thought i was spamming. The admin said it was very inappropriate to talk in another language in Famcraft. I know the server is a very friendly server, and i noticed it when RubensCherub gave me a tour of a spawn when i first joined. Everyone was polite there. I am very sorry for not being polite. :-[ I will never spam or grief or say inappropriate words in this server ever again. I also learned a lesson in this server: Be polite to everyone including people I dont know. Also, I will say sorry to Hayden in school, and next time I meet him in the server, I will say sorry there too. Again, I will never do this again. I promise. :)
Thanks in advance,
P.S this was my favorite server.... :(
I...just wanted to ask you if u saw my plea... :(
This plea would have been seen without you returning to irc over, and over after being asked to stay off of it.
You were told by staff that you are not allowed to be on irc when you are banned from the server. You were given plea information, and asked to leave.
After that, you returned several times, anyhow, each time being reminded you are not allowed to be on irc as a banned player.
You returned repeatedly, even with different names-
[09:40] <+Jackquelin_23> it says cant connect!
13:10:13 <cnneerjustfor3min> can i be in chat for just for 3 minutes i gotta tell something
then, even after you were banned, went to another channel and typed
<CN_neer> ha..
Because you felt you were getting away with something.
While your initial plea was pretty good, and would have likely been quickly accepted, your behavior here today has been far less than impressive. It shows that you have no respect for the rules, and do not make any effort to do as the staff has asked you to do.
We have not decided if you will be allowed to return to the server or not. But I have decided we will not be able to post a reply to this plea before Monday, as I feel you need to wait a bit and exercise some patience.
By Monday afternoon, there should be a reply here on this thread, letting you know if you will be allowed to return to Famcraft. Please make sure to remain patient and polite while you wait.
^Patience Please try to be patient. Patience can help you in every aspect of your life. People who practice patience tend to be happier and more relaxed, and often find that they have better outcomes in everyday situations. :D Patience: The ability to accept or tolerate delays, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious.
I agree Rubens
Today i was very impatient because our family is going on a trip to florida. I cant play minecraft there. I dont have access of internet there too.. So im very sorry for not being patient. Im sorry. :'(
Thank you for practicing patience. You have done well. I hope you enjoyed your vacation to Fla. We will look forward to seeing you back on the server. When you return, please take a moment to review the rules at /spawn, and make certain to follow them all. See you in game.