Clan Chat => Sell your products/homes => Topic started by: mathfreak2 on July 21, 2014, 01:56:33 AM
RED Services can get anything you want of mass quantity. (Please be reasonable about it, though.) If either I or eGI is online, you can pm us! Or, if you want to order something while both of us are offline, then you can do either /mail send mathfreak2 RED: (order here) or /mail send egijr RED: (order here).
Please make sure you remember to include the "RED:" before your order. It makes it easier on us to tell what is an order and what is not. Some common items to purchase are listed below.
All values below are for each double chest of commonly requested material:
Iron Blocks: $400,000
Smooth Stone: $75,000
Stone Brick: $75,000
Netherbrick: $150,000
Sand: $120,000
Sandstone: $120,000
Glass: $150,000
Logs: $150,000
Obsidian: $600,000
Quartz Blocks: $500,000
Hardened Clay: $200,000
Disclaimer: All values above are subject to change.
You stole Our Name :o
RED- Royal express delivery
:o I didn't even know you had that. Lol
Sorry XD
Do you want us to change it?
I am shamelessly advertising RED Services right now. 8)
And then Lord_Puggy started getting free advertising for his business!! Haha!! 8)
Pricing Update:
Units in famcoins per double chest:
Stone: $50,000
Logs: $200,000
If anyone wants to order anything, mail or pm me ingame :)
Psst Rowan
Do you want me to sell you some hard clay... For 199,999 a double chest it's cheaper than what you sell it for :O
We do have RED XD, its okay if you want to keep the name. Our delivery service is currently down until we finish the clan base, and other projects. So, keep the name :)
I haven't been keeping this business up because Sasikins is back, and I don't care enough to continue with the business.
Yea... Rowan and myself are now extra busy... Rowan with taking classes, me with finally getting a teaching position... so collecting items probably isn't in what we will want to spend our server time doing.
What eGI said ^