General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: zOracle on September 02, 2014, 08:09:27 AM
Just a Little Fun, As an Englishman I just wanted to know how outnumbered i was, i posted this as a simple Poll for easiness on my part, don't be offended if i didn't list your Country by name <3
Canada!!! <3
Minnesota USA
Iowa. You know... that one place nobody has heard of...
Iowa. You know... that one place nobody has heard of...
... ... It's the land of corn, corn is delicious...
Mn, USA. <--where i live
Arizona, USA :)
Iowa. You know... that one place nobody has heard of...
... ... It's the land of corn, corn is delicious...
Mn, USA. <--where i live
Yes, but almost none of it you get to eat. It all goes to fuel production.
Canada!!! <3
I live in Massacusetts, but one day I hope I could travel to the far land of Canada to meet you. We will play mario party together!!! One day.. One day xD
Somewhere in the US... but for purposes of other things I joined Team Scotland.
So I'm not alone! Go UK!!
Iluvchikinz, Iluvchikinztoo and NeedMoreSheep....
Oregon, USA
(yes, you are outnumbered, sorry)
I'm Originally From Canada Yet Live In USA So... Hmm.. #Canada :D
From Texas but live in Idaho US
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA
Born in Korea (south of course) lived in London and New Jersey, USA, but now living in Korea
Me from England/UK
Northeastern Oklahoma :o
North Carolina, USA
Stockholm Sweden :O am i the only one from sweden?
Technaiclly, i was born in Kazakstan, but im a US citizen xD
Technically, i'm part Chinese, from the Bengal forest (amongst the bamboo stalk). But I am now officially a Canadian citizen.
Were you the panda I saw tumbling in the snow? :P
* speaks in hickish/hillbilly accent *
Good Ol Arkansas USA. Where the weather could be 60 F and nice weather. Then the next day it could be 15 F and snowing. Oh yea! We have those swirly things that come down from the clouds and suck everything up :o (tornadoes) they are a purdy site :D
Western Oklahoma :D
Oklahoma <3 Y'all need to visit the Cherokee state lf you ain't been there before
One from Norway!
(Not quite Sweden, but close. : )
* speaks in hickish/hillbilly accent *
Good Ol Arkansas USA. Where the weather could be 60 F and nice weather. Then the next day it could be 15 F and snowing. Oh yea! We have those swirly things that come down from the clouds and suck everything up :o (tornadoes) they are a purdy site :D
Pfft. Here in Iowa, It's gone from 35 degrees in the evening to -35 degrees the next morning before. Also, I had a tornado sweep through the town I was in once already (luckily, it did not hit us lol, but downtown was hit pretty bad) Iowa is smack dab in the middle of Tornado Alley XD
Were you the panda I saw tumbling in the snow? :P