General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: ~Lucario~ on December 03, 2014, 10:29:46 PM
Hey guys here is a new forum game! Here is how it goes: the first person will ask a totally random question, then the next person will answer it, then someone else will aska question, and another person will answer. Its simple! Ill get it started:
True or false, thoatt was the first famcraft player promoted to aministrator
Ps you can use google on some of the questions if you like :P
my question is...what does the squid say?
Hey guys here is a new forum game! Here is how it goes: the first person will ask a totally random question, then the next person will answer it, then someone else will aska question, and another person will answer. Its simple! Ill get it started:
True or false, thoatt was the first famcraft player promoted to aministrator
Ps you can use google on some of the questions if you like :P
Isn't this a bit like the trivia game? Anyway...
my question is...what does the squid say?
The squid doesn't say anything.
What should my next question be? <--- That is my question.
your next question should be whatevder your next question should be
What is the value of pi to the 1 billionth
3.14159265358979323846... but since you only wanted it to the billionth place... 3.141592654
Why? <--- Again, this IS my question.
what is the pattern that occurs in the multiples of 9?
Because sweg
Why is life? LOL this is my question :p
Rowan, it is just like my trivia game xD but, :O instead of minecraft questions, its random everything questions
Dcm its because life is alive.
Now, was thoatt the first famcraft player to become admin???
What day did I first come on famcraft?
Rowan, it is just like my trivia game xD but, :O instead of minecraft questions, its random everything questions
Dcm its because life is alive.
Now, was thoatt the first famcraft player to become admin???
No, he wasn't.
What day did I first come on famcraft?
Idk, I could check if I were online...
What is happiness?
life is happiness
Also rowan...3.14159265358979323846... but since you only wanted it to the billionth place... 3.141592654
I said to the 1 billionth, so it would be pi * pi i billionn times
what can build in single player?
Redstone.. I think
life is happiness
Also rowan...3.14159265358979323846... but since you only wanted it to the billionth place... 3.141592654
I said to the 1 billionth, so it would be pi * pi i billionn times
what can build in single player?
If you wanted the answer to pi to the 1 billionth power, you should have said, "What is pi to the 1 billion?" As it stood, you implied by adding the "th" at the end of "billion" that you wanted it to the billionth decimal place. #Math
As to answer this question. There are a lot of things that can be built in single player, so this question is slightly ambiguous. There are at least two ways to think of this: entities or blocks that can build. I will answer both. You, as the only non-artificially intelligent character in single player, can build in single player. Endermen, with the ability to take a break blocks at random, have limited ability to build. I'm sure there are any number of other entities with any given modification to minecraft that also have this ability. This also goes for building blocks in Minecraft. There are plenty of ways to make auto-builders - especially with the slime blocks coming out in 1.8. Adding in modifications and there are a great many other ways to make auto-building machines.
My question is... *drumroll*
What is Philosophy?
Merriam Webster: The ability to grow, change, etc., that separates plants and animals from things like water or rocks.
How are you today? kthxbai
I'm doing well thanks XD
how many fireworks are there in MC?
There are 20,846,397,359,932,200 different unique firework combonations in minecraft how many more uses are left when a diamond pick axe reaches zero durability left in the durabilty bar?
what is the size the default minecraft world?
30,000,000 x 30,000,000 blocks. How long does it take to mine obsidian with your hand?
1 hour give or take a few minutes
how do you spell octopus backwards? (#easiestquestionyet)
What's six to the 100th power
hang on, let me math..its about 6.5331862e+77 (used a calculator)
how long does it take to die after you fall into lava with a full health bar
25-37 seconds I would say
why am I a TheIronCreeper2?
That's what you put in your username slot when you got Minecraft.
If you have 17 pancakes in one hand, and 35 apples in the other, how many nails can you fit on the roof?
Hint: Its a color.
Black/Purple. Just a WILD guess. Opposite day isn't opposite day, because Its the opposite, so there is no opposite day, really. Am i right?
Black/Purple. Just a WILD guess. Opposite day isn't opposite day, because Its the opposite, so there is no opposite day, really. Am i right?
You got that right.
What is the rarest type of diamond?
A diamond me. Or a diamond house.
What is the most common block in
dirt/stone/leaves/logs/etc. XD
how many items are in this sentence? 5 hoppers 12 dispensers 4 double chests 3 ender chests and 0 flower pots.
Incorrect, the answer is air XD
How many t's are there in three t's tapping on the tapestry.
There are 2.
How big is famcraft?
what is a word that when said destroys that which it was said to describe/note/etc? (there is only ONE answer to this question that I will accept) good luck on this one >:D
I believe it is "have a good day :D"
How heavy is a McDonnel Douglas F-15E Strike Eagle? Ps it is NOT 81,000, so don't use that answer >:D
idk <-- my answer
btw shade the answer to my riddle was "silence" not "have a good day :D"
why is random random? <-- my question
Iron a good answer would have been whatever I thought a good answer was, which is exactly what I said.
Random is random because the word random means 'mixed' or 'unexpected', making random mean, random.
Ps I have no idea what I just said.
Pss some please answer my F 15 question, pleeaase.
Psss my question is what comes after 'marco...'
", over here" is wat comes after marco
my question is, What does:
'Lopadotemachoselachogaleokranioleipsanodrimhypotrimmatosilphiparaomelitokatakechymenokichlepikossyphophattoperisteralektryonoptekephalliokiglopeleiolagoiosiraiobaphetraganopterygon' mean?(there are 2 really confusing awnsers to this. Good luck)
idk xD
what does the word supercalifragilisticexpialidocious mean? xD