Pleas and Troubleshooting => Bugs and glitches => Topic started by: cardinalland on December 22, 2014, 07:13:20 AM
I know this is a bit late, but I am deciding to report this glitch now. About 2 weeks ago I had an axe which Trent had given me with good enchants. It was a diamond axe. I was breaking a tree and it broke, so I finished off the tree with my diamond axe. It was a jungle tree. I didn't have enough saplings, so I went to get some in the chestshop, as this was in Profarms. The axe was in my ninth slot before it broke, and I hadn't put anything there since, and I don't remember if I was on my ninth slot or not, but I probably was. When I bought the saplings, my enchanted axe re-appeared in my inventory, with very low durability. I put it in my chest and it has been there ever since. Is this a common problem?
Thats WEIRD... Ghost Axe..."Whooo"
This has happened to me with Axes, Picks, and Shovels. Anything that has Unbreaking on it. I think that when I break one more block with it (after it reappears) then it breaks for real.
Yes this happens to me all the time but the axe has only enough durability on it to break less then 5 more blocks
This has happened to me with Axes, Picks, and Shovels. Anything that has Unbreaking on it. I think that when I break one more block with it (after it reappears) then it breaks for real.
I broke another block but it still didn't break
this happened to me yesterday with my axe cutting down trees it "broke" five times then kept reappearing and then it finally fully broke and disappeaered