General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: mas512 on January 02, 2015, 04:15:57 PM
hey guys this is mas and im looking for some help with a BIG redstone project. i want to build a auto piston wood farm for gaint redwood trees. one probelm, this has never been done in mc bedore. so im looking for people who are good at redstone and building to build probaly minecrafts first ever semi auto piston gaint spruce tree farm . if u are interested in helping with this big project. pm on the forums or /mail mas512
I would like to help! I am not that good at redstone but I have built elevators, piston doors, traffic lights, and more!
im in! also, if you see Rcodes12, ask. Rcodes12 helped me build an auto cocoa farm
ok i will ask cody if he wants to help before we start building we need lots of redstone stuff like stacks of everything to build with this will proably be a project that takes a week or to
i have redstone, but only a couple stacks (time to get mining with fortune 3)
mas, can u make a list of materials you need, and the estimated # of that item? then we can respond and say how many of a certain item we have.
i not wuite sure how much of each thing we need. lets just say we need about a couple stacks of sticky pistons, pistons, redstone, redstone blocks, repeaters, redstone torches, comparitors, half a stack of dispensers, a stack of droppers, and lots and lots of blocks
and lots and lots of blocks
lol, very descritive, ur also gonna need bone meal and saplings
kenneth ur saying that saskins has ione for the big spruce tress :o
kenneth do u know if i can look at saskins wood farm and copy it