Clan Chat => Sell your products/homes => Topic started by: mathfreak2 on January 08, 2015, 04:02:05 PM
There are shops in the Ravine Mall still open that anyone can buy for 15k a piece! Here is the list of the available shops! I will update this topic as needed :)
Here is the list of shops owned by people, too, which I didn't think to add earlier.
Shop 1-A XxCatAngelxX
Shop 1-B redstone4023
Shop 1-C ~Bossk
Shop 1-D ChiefCrazyCow
Shop 1-E Vacant!
Shop 1-F egijr
Shop 1-G GentleSeeker
Shop 1-H GraysonandColby
Shop 1-I DiRT_NuG
Shop 1-J XtremeGamer45
Shop 1-K Vacant!
Shop 1-L serikwhite02
Shop 1-M cardinalland
Shop 1-N SingAsong4ever
Shop 1-O Mrclean72DAD
Shop 1-P rivasjac, club8647cw, VioletKitten8
Shop 1-Q Skribblz2015, TrueMinecraftGuy
Shop 1-R RedoLiori
Shop 1-S jacknicholls1
Shop 1-T Magnolia81
Shop 1-U marcyani06
Shop 1-V Marmelade11
i bought 1-L :D
It is likely that a lot of people will be moving out on the 15th, so if you want to switch/buy shops, that'll be the best time.
umm..today is the 15th, or at least it was when I posted this
Eviction time is upon us. Many shops are up for grabs! Feel free to message me in game or on the forum if you would like to buy a shop. You can always view them by going to the Ravine Mall by yourself. Here is how to do it:
Type /warp mall
Go left until you reach the yellow section
Face the red section right across from the yellow section
The Ravine Mall portal will be in the center on the right.
Happy Shopping!
I would like to buy a shop. Any is fine with me.
The storage units at ravine mall are also really helpful for storing important stuff you don't want to lose. It's almost like a bank.
There are still 6 shops left open, so this is still a good time to buy a shop.
5 shops left to buy. If you want a shop, this is still a good time to buy a shop for only $15,000.
3 shops vacant right now, but more are likely to be vacant coming next week.