
General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: hpotter64 on March 12, 2015, 02:41:36 PM

Title: Headz
Post by: hpotter64 on March 12, 2015, 02:41:36 PM
Im thinking of starting a head museum/collection. Here are the retired staff heads I need:
and a bunch more that I can't think of right now :P Ill update the list as I think of more people.
Im also gonna add a list of current staff and also a list of player heads that I need.
Title: Re: Headz
Post by: Thoatt on March 12, 2015, 04:44:15 PM
Some of these heads will be impossible to get.
Title: Re: Headz
Post by: ApolloMew on March 12, 2015, 04:54:07 PM
I have a Aninjah head and a SuperMickey head for ya, but no MickeyTheFox. The skins are actually different on them, so no one has a MickeyTheFox head yet.

I'll check what else I have.

But yeah, like Thoatt said, it's gonna be VERY tough.
Title: Re: Headz
Post by: Domsters931 on March 12, 2015, 06:01:06 PM
These are the retired staff heads me and Lemmy own include
Trickyidiot, Rcodes10, Camelj2486, experiencedgamer, HardcoreGamer24, ZRoad1202, 1869_Flame, Tharlane, ARich, KittyMew113, MrChris13, CreeperSnoopy, SuperNova_2, StitchAKA626, lisalithium, Hi_People123, JTxt, Mixle, TEDDIBEAR126, Regnaut, Luke_Bruck, egijr, JoeMaster13, LovelyLaces, Anubis10172, miacamp, Rundrop, aninjah0b0, FamcraftHobo, xChaosxRipperx, BigBucks10, Wild_Chris, LemmyM, HaydenTheBuilder, Lightbulb2001, and 3 others..  Also like 350 player heads.

It's nice looking through these names and remembering how great our past staff and current staff have been. Famcraft players are awesome too! My famcraft 2 year anniversery was a little more then a month ago so quite a few of these I remember. You could give me some offers but I kind of Doubt I will sell. You can check out the rest of the collection if you want when I am on. Also all of these retired heads cost me and Lemmy more then 6 million $ but good luck. Excited to see the collection.
Title: Re: Headz
Post by: 1869_Flame on March 13, 2015, 04:12:28 AM
i might have a spare 1869_Flame head laying around  ???
Title: Re: Headz
Post by: Stitch 🔷 Jordyn on March 13, 2015, 03:27:49 PM
My name has shown up rather frequently on this list ^_^

Specifically for the purpose of museums, I'd be honored to lend my head if you're able to spot me online. :D With a bit of convincing, I might also be able to bribe MrChris13 into adding a few more heads into the system. ;)
Title: Re: Headz
Post by: Stitch 🔷 Jordyn on March 22, 2015, 03:14:07 PM
I've been rather busy with le collegework over the past several months, but with the year coming to an end, I should have more time to play in the coming weeks! I have several large projects I've been itchin' to get to work on. XD Just give me a little poke if you catch me around. :)
Title: Re: Headz
Post by: ~Lucario~ on March 24, 2015, 09:11:11 PM
If you want player heads, I have a TON. Like a double chest full.