Pleas and Troubleshooting => Bugs and glitches => Topic started by: yombie on July 01, 2015, 05:37:11 PM
I have had this "problem" for while now, I have asked about it, Rowan tried to figure it out and then said he will inform admins. I am not sure if the message got passed on, so I am posting it here now.
Whenever I use ender pearl, I don't get damaged. Anytime, anywhere, wearing anything. Tried long throws, short throws, while hungry, no matter what, I don't take damage form using ender pearls. I have tried to limit myself, so that I don't have an unfair advantage, but it;s difficult to not use them at all. Any advice?
Hehe, yeah, I forgot about this before I had the chance to notify anyone about it. Thanks for posting it here!
Hmm, this happens at home as well? Several areas of the server such as spawn and some attractions are set to invincible, so enderpearl damage will not happen there. I have made a little change to something. Please try again and let us know if the problem is still there. Thanks for reporting this.
Just tried again, with and without armour, home, spawn, random location in wild, still no damage.
This happens to me in the end sometimes