General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: NickApokalypse on July 04, 2015, 12:53:16 PM
How do people get all those blocks on sunblock? Pleas help! :'( :'(
The get all the cobble by using a cobblestone generator made with the supplies in the chest. There is an example of a cobble stone generator you can look at so you can understand and copy the design at /warp skyblock
Thx but how do people get like redstone and diamonds and a nether portal?
I'm not sure how their getting diamonds but you can get redstone sometimes when you kill a witch.
Where do I find a witch?
Am I allowed to go on the ground? Can you mine there? I have a cobble generator but the stones hard to get because the lava sometimes burns it. And, I think you can make an obsidian generator, I've done it before im pretty sure.
Also, how do people get like torches and beds. I don't know if you can go to the ground in sunblock. And also, anyone know why you get cactus?
You get torches by doing /kit torch_1000. It cost 1000$ and you get 64 torches. You can get tons of mobs by building a mob farm. You will die if you get too close to the ground. If you want to see how far you can go down, place water and where it stops is how far you can go. I would also start out a farm. One tip is make sure to always keep one grass block. That way you can get flowers to dye wool you craft with string. Check out other players skyblocks for ideas. I have played a lot of skyblock and I highly recommend playing it.
Nick, as I explained yesterday, you cannot get to the 'ground' when you are playing in skyblock. That is why it is called SKYblock :). Also, the intent of skyblock is to survive using only the most basic supplies. Not everything that is available in the regular overworld map will be available there. Most of the supplies like redstone and such must be obtained by killing mobs that spawn on your skyblock.
You can also get torched by smelting logs to get charcoal and a stick.
Thx all
How do I find a trading store?