
Pleas and Troubleshooting => Bugs and glitches => Topic started by: WFish59 on September 06, 2015, 04:15:50 PM

Title: Problem Accessing Home on Server
Post by: WFish59 on September 06, 2015, 04:15:50 PM
My grandson and I have been playing on the Famcraft server for a year. When we logged into the server today, I arrived at the house we built but he was sent to the new player area (minus his armor and the things he had in his inventory). He tried getting to our house by typing the /bed command but it didn't work. I then attempted to TPA him to me and that also did not work. He hasn't played on the server since July.

His Minecraft user name is BleeA. Request you restore his rights to the House we share.

Thanks for your help!
Title: Re: Problem Accessing Home on Server
Post by: RubensCherub on September 06, 2015, 04:36:04 PM
 You each joined a different server. All of his items and rights to his home are still in place on the 1.7 server.

  Sorry for the confusion. Thank you for posting here.

 You and your Grandson joined two different worlds/servers.

 To join the 1.7 server you are familiar with, simply set your client to client version 1.7.10, and connect as usual to survival.famcraft.com. Make sure you and your Grandson both join with a 1.7 client to ensure you join the same world.

 If you wish to visit the new 1.8 server which features combined chat with the 1.7 server (As in all players share a single chat to keep the community together) then start your client and select Minecraft client version 1.8, and connect to the usual address at survival.famcraft.com

 We will always have our main survival server- it is not going anywhere. You can learn more about the addition of the new 1.8 server here: https://famcraft.com/index.php/topic,9486.msg55225.html#msg55225

 If we can be of any further assistance, please let us know.