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Messages - ApolloMew

Pages: 1 ... 85 86 87 88 89 [90] 91 92 93 94 95 ... 97
... I won't be there I'll be at summer camp that week :( Oh well just have fun take a few screenies for me <3 And save me a piece of cake :p other than that have a great time guys and gals


If I can't attend, try to get some for me too :)

General Discussion / Re: What Minecraft thing are you known for?
« on: July 12, 2014, 05:08:11 PM »
I'm mostly known for my PVP Bow skill. Which I haven't been using lately. And people don't really know I'm good with bows.
Other than that...Um...I...Hmmm...Lets see here...

(Shuffles some papers)


I'm kind of also known for

/me eats fuz7ybob

But...I don't know what else...
Oh yeah.

I'm known for making fireworks...

General Discussion / Re: Username and Skin
« on: July 12, 2014, 04:58:29 PM »
Well. I guess it should be my turn then.

I got this game when it was in Beta 1.4. or roughly...2 years ago? Maybe more, maybe less. I chose the Super in my name because it just sounded cool to me at the time. I chose Mickey because my grandma had 2 cats we called Mylo and Tuffy. They were kittens when we got them and we just liked the names cause it fit their sizes. Eventually, Tuffy disappeared, we don't know what happened to him, but he is missing, we decided to change Mylo's name since it was kind of...babyish. I don't know a better term. We decided to change the cat's name to Mickey. That's where I got the Mickey in my name, not from Mickey Mouse XD.
I chose the 24 in my name because it was my favourite number at the time, and I thought the username Supermickey24 looked cool.

I don't really have a favourite number anymore, but I still have a bit of <3 for 24.

My skin that I usually wear, (not the suit skin I wear atm.) is the skin I made. I first made a skin that was very similar to it for a contest. I won 3rd place :D. I later got a new PC and forgot to add my skin folder to my USB stick. So I lost the skin, but I made a replica off my memory for the skin. So that's my story lol

I might need to cross my fingers that the event is a bit later than the 25th...I might not be able to attend on the 25th ;-;

Ooh, can I be the flower girl?

I'll...play the music on the piano? :D

General Discussion / Re: Fireworks/ 4th of July pictures
« on: July 07, 2014, 04:28:30 PM »
Eh, I did go to see fireworks on the 1st for Canada day. No pics tho :/

Forum Games / Re: Word Association - A Fun Forum Game
« on: July 04, 2014, 10:53:56 PM »
Logical Paradox

Famcraft Survival / Worker CO :D
« on: July 02, 2014, 07:53:40 PM »
Worker CO is a company that helps you do builds in Famcraft, we don't help build super fancy mansions or anything, we help with the other stuff! Things that are classic in Minecraft.

Such as
- Castles
- Low scale homes
- Walls
- Scaffolding
- Floors
- Plots
- Digging out areas (Mountains, space for builds, etc.)

Prices vary according to
- Build Size
- Supplies
- Time Spent

-@No Longer Hiring, Applications are still accepted, but no hiring for the moment, apply on forum@-

If you require service, please contact me ingame, on the forums, or contact on of these people ingame

 ^ Players that work for me.

I made a white, beautiful dress! :D (How do you posts pics of your skin?)

Yeah...Lemmy and I thought of this one XD.

"I wonder if I could wear a dress to the wedding." Lemmy thought out loud

"It would be hilarious if we both showed up wearing dresses." I replied in laughter


That's pretty much how it went... lol

Forum Games / Re: You are banned! pt 2 Forum Game
« on: June 28, 2014, 05:21:15 PM »
I ban you for putting letters in your post.

General Discussion / Re: The One Time I Had To Run Away From Mobs
« on: June 28, 2014, 05:20:32 PM »
Lol, the first thing I saw was Kenneth saying the word egg...

Congratulations you two!

I have my suit picked out and ready to go :)

General Discussion / Re: Royal's Is Going industrial
« on: June 12, 2014, 09:21:01 PM »
:O gl on the build!

Forum Games / Re: Food Forum game
« on: June 12, 2014, 06:01:14 PM »

General Discussion / Re: Royal's Is Going industrial
« on: June 12, 2014, 06:00:32 PM »
At some time when you're less busy could u possibly sell me 1000 stacks of birch wood planks? I understand if u cant

Per order, you can have a maximum amount of 4 total single chests. Or 2 double chests.
This prevents us from being way overstocked with orders, as we like to take in orders, then export the supplies in a timely fashion.
Also, you can't have more than one order at a time. That just causes confusion and can cause in a mistake, which we don't want to make.

Quick question though, why do you need 1k stacks of birch planks? XD

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