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Messages - bknysnake

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Plea to be unbanned / Re: Join Plead.
« on: June 02, 2012, 04:29:11 AM »
Everyone is welcomed. Me or any staff is willing to help you with anything in game. We don't judge players due to their builds or how long you take to build it. We would love to have you or anyone on this server as long as you follow the rules. This is a friendly server. If you have problems with players or staff you can inform me or micahdg and we will investigate it. Hope to see you on soon.:)

Plea to be unbanned / Re: I'm sorry for whatever I have done,
« on: May 31, 2012, 05:28:14 AM »
The plead got you off a permanent ban to a temperary ban for 3 days. As I said, it's the best I can do for you. You did grief, and did spam "yessssssssssssss found diamond!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" is spamming. He should have banned you since you first grief, that's common sense. You have 3 days to fully understand the rules, take advantage of that. If you have any questions towards rules, feel free to ask me. I read the log and honestly there isn't anything better I can do for you. You need to pay for breaking the rules, no exception, and griefing is a big no no on this server.

Plea to be unbanned / Re: I'm sorry for whatever I have done,
« on: May 31, 2012, 04:36:02 AM »
Ok you obviously didn't read the rules, and you didn't even want anyone's help, then staff witnesses you griefing first, then spamming. You are tempbanned for 3 days (which is kind of me, you deserve a full ban). If I hear one more thing about you, it's a permanent ban. We want a safe and fun environment for the players. This isn't a place to come and get a laugh out of messing up other peoples area, or just trying to frustrate anyone. If you want you can return after 3 days. That's all I can do for you.

Plea to be unbanned / Re: I am stupid, for using mods. I am sorry.
« on: May 31, 2012, 01:41:39 AM »
you will be unbanned, but monitored at all times, so make sure you don't use mods or you will be banned from the server and the website.

Advertise Your Clan / FamCraft
« on: May 29, 2012, 09:38:31 PM »
    We are a peaceful clan, we do not get into battle, instead we enjoy the true fun of the game which is mining and building. Come join us and unleash your inner minecrafting skills, build something awesome in the faction base or anywhere you like. We are a minecraft international clan, which means we are located all over the world of minecraft. All that is asked is to please follow the server rules. :D

Plea to be unbanned / Re: My Ban Plea
« on: May 28, 2012, 02:36:53 PM »
This is an old topic please do not reply here anymore.

First off you should try and make it seem as you want to come back to this server, you cant just put something like you did and expect me to forgive you, it only seems like you want to come back to do the same. Second you knew advertising was against the rules, but thought it was ok, this rule comes from xcom. Third I was reported that someone griefed gangsterpinguins home I go to look and it shows that you had broken a tree trunk from one of his trees that were in the design, it was obviouse that it was part of the desing. You are tempbanned for 3 days. Next time it's permanent so I expect for you to be on your best behaviuor. I don't want to hear complaints, just go past these three days with the server you felt the need to advertise on mine.

Plea to be unbanned / Re: why was I banned
« on: May 26, 2012, 07:11:35 AM »
You griefed glass pane of a players house, as it wasn't big I'm willing to unban you but next time it's permanent

Plea to be unbanned / Re: But... Why?
« on: May 22, 2012, 03:53:10 PM »
You had built racist stuff on the xcom server, and you griefed a house so you can build the racist design. This is not tolerated. You should know better than this. You though because you don't see staff on the server, we won't check it.

Plea to be unbanned / Re: My Ban Plea
« on: May 20, 2012, 05:57:33 PM »
you have been banned because when you decided to claim zant for modding, you were disrespectful doing so. You were calling him offensive names.

Plea to be unbanned / Re: My Ban Plea
« on: May 19, 2012, 06:33:52 PM »
I would unban you after 3 days this time. if you are caught again you will get banned, no point of unbaning you on xcom as it will be shut down.

Plea to be unbanned / Re: My Ban Plea
« on: May 16, 2012, 06:00:30 PM »
there was a locked door which could had told you who lives there. Or atlease replace the area. I will unban you as I understand you understand what you did wrong.

Plea to be unbanned / Re: I was banned?
« on: May 16, 2012, 05:52:48 PM »
What do you have to say about what you did white?

Plea to be unbanned / Re: I'm Banned )':
« on: May 11, 2012, 07:21:24 PM »
I will unban you but as soon as I get one code error or anything in that nature you will be banned. As you can read the post, when you get banned here, You get banned from alot of servers. So behave yourself, follow the rules, and play the game as it is intended to.

Famcraft Tutorials, Links and Info / IRC
« on: May 09, 2012, 05:08:32 AM »
We have an New IRC channel. We've decided to move from quakenet being it didn't tend to work with the only SMF IRC mod out there. We have switched to EsperNet. Those who don't use irc clients, you can use the one on here, on the tabs above click "chat" or just click this link: http://famcraft.com/index.php?action=chat

For those who do use a IRC client, the address you will use is "portlane.esper.net" The port is always the same "6667". I recommend you guys register your name so no one else can use it.

To register your irc name, which should be exactly the same as your IGN very similar to your in game name or in game nick name (as of 5-5-2014), while on IRC simply do:
/msg nickserv register pass email

You will then receive a email with another command which you copy and paste into irc. After that you're all done. but....

Keep in mind every time you go on irc, you have to identify yourself, to do so simply type:
/msg nickserv identify password

If you do not identify yourself withing 30 minutes, your name will change to a guests name, and your account will be temporarily banned. This is a automated feature, so please make sure to identify yourself, this is to prevent people from impersonating.

For those who don't know what IRC is. IRC (Internet Relay Chat) is a program that let's you chat with your friends. As I understand, IRC was one of the first instant messengers to ever exist. The difference between an instant messenger and an IRC is, in the IRC you can build your own channel and invite your friends, or as I did, I built my own channel and I'm inviting everyone that can use IRC on their phones or pc to join. You can chat with everyone in game, without logging into minecraft :D

Edited to revise username info, as decided by the Admin team on 5-5-2014

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