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Messages - Darkdemon891O

Pages: [1]
Bugs and glitches / Re: lost 3/4 of my stuff to this...
« on: August 26, 2013, 01:09:32 PM »
i dont want my stuff, i can probably get it back anyway. but im just giving the warning.

Bugs and glitches / Re: lost 3/4 of my stuff to this...
« on: August 26, 2013, 01:07:39 PM »
but the cactus lagged back in. it shouldnt do that?

Bugs and glitches / lost 3/4 of my stuff to this...
« on: August 25, 2013, 12:31:05 PM »
Hello, Thanks for reading this.
before the mess before (the admins know what im talking about) i had the following important items:
Diamond sword sharpness II
Silk touch Diamond pick
Fortune II Unbreaking II efficiency III
Diamond pick Efficiency II
Bow Infinity I Power II
Full diamond armour (chestplate protection III)
I was building cactus defenses on half a heart (i know bad idea) then, i broke them. didnt want them there. then, they somehow lagged back in and killed me, destroying the things above.
I told the admin but he said theres nothing they can do from in game, so i came to the bugs and glitches forum.

Can anyone help me get my lost items back?

Plea to be unbanned / Re: Plea To Be Unbanned.
« on: August 24, 2013, 07:20:41 PM »
The beacon was removed and moved requested by LilPigletJr. The multiple holes were also requested by LilPigletJr as I was removing sand hills and sandstone ect.

Plea to be unbanned / Plea To Be Unbanned.
« on: August 24, 2013, 04:03:29 PM »
Hello. thank you for the right to plea and get this whole mess solved.

The first thing i want to say about the incident is that the area is reset, and any disturbances have been fixed.
While it is fixed, i am admitting to the removal of the glass panes of the house and them being replaced with doors.
i now realize that was a bad thing to do, and before i got banned i did put the panes back.
i want to take this opportunity to apologize. what i did was wrong and it wont happen again.
if i was to be unbanned, i will not do anything inappropriate like this again.
thank you for taking the time to read the plea. i hope i can be unbanned so that i can survive and have fun without
doing inappropriate things in the future.

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