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Messages - Wxam

Pages: [1]
Sell your products/homes / Re: Base for sale!!!
« on: September 09, 2014, 12:33:33 AM »
 :P but i am part ot the clan royals to

Sell your products/homes / Base for sale!!!
« on: September 07, 2014, 01:57:59 PM »
Welcome Famcrafter's

I am selling my base.
it has the following extra's

- Animal Farm
- Underground Storage
- Rock,Paper,Scissors Game
- Medieval house
- Music disc farm

For 150k the base is all yours

Sell your products/homes / Re: I build what you need with redstone!!!
« on: September 01, 2014, 11:37:45 AM »
Hey XtremeGamer45,

srry but i can't make that because explosions are turned off
but i am able to make a automated tree farm if you want

Sell your products/homes / I build what you need with redstone!!!
« on: August 24, 2014, 06:48:49 AM »
Hello Famcrafters.

I Build with redstone and by that i am Making this Redstone service for you guys where you can post what you need from redstone in my collection of what i build the most is.

1. Rock Paper Scissors $1500
2. Secret redstone door that opens with a redstone torch $1000
3. Hidden crafting table $800
4. Automated Furnace $500
5. Automated redstone lamp that turns on and off with a day night sensor
6. Doorbell $50

if you need anything that is not on the list then mail wxam or x_the_nuke_x with you reqeust or make a comment.

We Can Build Whatever you want with redstone (i sell redstone stuff to)

Plea to be unbanned / Re: Plea To Get out Of the Jail and avoid Ban
« on: July 18, 2014, 01:23:39 PM »
I'm really happy to see that message

Thank you RubensCherub

it won't happen again.


Plea to be unbanned / Plea To Get out Of the Jail and avoid Ban
« on: July 18, 2014, 12:54:43 PM »
Plea To Get out of the jail and avoid Ban.

I'm sorry for what i did i read the rules and i was avoiding the filter by typing *** i didn't know why i did it.
 i love the server to much and i will cry if i get Baned.
i didn't know that it was against the rules to avoid the filter  :(

if i ever get out of the jail and (if i got Baned) get a Unban then i will do it never again.
i hope you guys wil forgive me for what i did  :'(


Pages: [1]