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Messages - jacketsniffer

Pages: [1]
Plea to be unbanned / Re: Plea to be un-banned
« on: October 05, 2015, 03:26:02 PM »
Hi there,

This is CreamofWheat's mom, and I would like to further plead the case for my 10 year old daughter.  As a mom of three I greatly appreciate all the monitoring you do on the server of create such a wonderful environment that children like my son and daughter can safely enjoy.  I understand how much work it is.  And while I fully support the temporary bans for being not careful enough about replanting I do feel a permanent band is a bit harsh.

I know she has been banned for the same thing several times, and I am not excusing her actions, but please even you must see that these are not done with malicious intent or blatant disregard for the rules. Instead I ask that you see them as that of a child who missed replanting an item or two through shear accident.  We have fairly strict time rules about screen time at our house, so some the blame is mine as I know she feels rushed to exit the game when her timer rings. In speaking to her, she is deeply devastated by the ban as she did not realize she missed replanting. I know she checks any public farms she used as I have seen her do this as I stand over her tapping the timer.

Again, I realize this has happened several times (one of which was the cause of a server delay), but the first few were that of a child learning to navigate such a system and rules for the first time in her life at the age of 9.  I am not asking to lift a ban, make even a month long, just the permanent aspect of it. 

I have looked at other permanent bands, and they seem to me to be much higher in the level of offence, both in intent and action.  She is a child and as such does and will make mistakes, the same ones, over and over and over again, as the she learns and develops strategies to be more consistent and detailed about her work. I am not a MineCraft player and as such cannot give her tips how to prevent missing replanting.  Please if you have suggestions for techniques/methods that she can use which will help her in identifying areas needing replanting she would love that.

So in closing, I hope I have conveyed that replanting issue is not that of a careless teenager but that of a very hard working, conscientious s girl, who for some reason keeps missing replanting despite her best efforts. Like yourselves I strongly believe in consequences. A consequence a child can learn from, not a punishment that does not fit the crime, as I feel that creates cynicisms and  disillusionment. And that is not a way for any child to be.

I thank you for your time and further consideration.

A loving Mom

Plea to be unbanned / Plea to be un-banned
« on: October 04, 2015, 06:26:50 PM »
This is creamofwheat29's message:

When I went on the newer server I found it really fun and I wanted to build or make my own clan. I new that there were jobs and there were farms so I became a farmer and now I am really good at it and get lots of money. But now I don't know what happened and I don't know if missed a place or what ever.

if you could tell me so if I am let back on the sever I will know what not to do that would be great. Thank you for taking your time to read this plea



Plea to be unbanned / Re: creamofwheat29's plea to be unbanned
« on: January 03, 2015, 09:24:56 PM »
dear admins,

i am truly sorry that i have not been re-planting at the profarms and i have already thought of building a farm at home. i love playing in famcraft and i hope you do let me back, than i would very grateful. i am forgetful at times and i will remember to re-plant if i do come back. thank you!

Plea to be unbanned / creamofwheat29's plea to be unbanned
« on: December 30, 2014, 11:03:40 PM »
Hello Admins,

Creamofwheat29 would like to ask a question and ask to be unbanned:

i have really enjoyed on Famcraft and i tried logging today and found that i was banned due to not re-planting in the profarms. That last time i went to the profarms was to chop down birch trees and i know that birch trees take awhile to drop a sapling so i cut down 4 trees and than waited for them to drop saplings and they dropped about 7 saplings so i replant them and cut down 1 more and replanted it right away. i have know i idea if i missed one so i went back and forth to make sure i didn't miss one. this is why i am stumped because i have know clue what i did. if you could help me understand what i did wrong that would appreciated. -Creamofwheat29 

Plea to be unbanned / Re: creamofwheat29 was banned for 2 days
« on: December 18, 2014, 11:42:20 AM »

Thanks for the information! 

My daughter emailed this response  (I didn't have a chance to talk to her directly): 

Daddy, yes it is true but I tried to replant them but it would not let me so tried again and again but it would not let me! So I left because I did not no what to do. Could u tell this to the famcraft.

Does that sound like something that can happen?  She is a very diligent player and she understands how following the rules benefit her in that she doesn't have to worry about her house being wrecked if she leaves, and the public farm is well stocked. 

A few days before this I reinsalled the operating system and re-installed a completely stock Minecraft program.  There are no mods in the Minecraft program, but I don't think any are required to play Famcraft.

If you are able to rewind and verify she did try to replant and it was a technical issue I would like to ask on her behalf to be un-temp banned.  And in that case I'll ask her to report it to the admins as an issue before she logs out. 


Plea to be unbanned / creamofwheat29 was banned for 2 days
« on: December 17, 2014, 08:40:59 PM »
Hello Admins,

I am writing today to ask about my daughter, creamofwheat29.  She found that she was temp banned for 2 days.  She's done really well at following the rules for a while now and we are wondering what she did wrong.  Could you please help us by explaining what she did to cause her temp ban.

Thank you all,


Plea to be unbanned / Re: creamofwheat29 was temp-banned
« on: November 12, 2014, 10:07:28 PM »
Hello RubensCherub,

Thank you for letting us know about the issues.  I fully support your moderation, the kids love the server, and I'm quite pleased by the community you've built here.

Regarding the issues:
(1) Home outside stargate #1 - creamofwheat29 and infinitymana said they thought the house looked 'abandoned' and thought they could use it for resources (one took wood, other took wool).  In hindsight they think it was under construction.  They know acknowledge that they should not have done that and they are truly sorry.  We took a look at it right now and they both like the house that was built.  They acknowledge that it is griefing to do what they did, and they will respect everything under construction.

(2) Mushrooms - Creamofwheat29 says: "now looking back at it now i remember walking past the signs and breaking the small mushrooms not the big ones thats when i went back and read the signs to only break the break the big ones thats when i went back and planted them all but i may have missed one. I am truly sorry to those who came after i had left and knowing that someone had griefed them. Next time i will remove the whole mushroom and  take care not to make any more mistakes.- creamofwheat29"

Dad here again. I have gone through the rules with both players and they understand them now.

Finally, here is Creamofwheat29's request for being un-tempbanned:"i am truly sorry for what i have done i will respect others even if it's something thats looks apandoned i will leave it alone. i hope you forgive what i have done i hope i can play by tommorw for i lovee this server!-creamofwheat29"

Plea to be unbanned / creamofwheat29 was temp-banned
« on: November 12, 2014, 08:26:59 PM »
Hello Admins,

I am the dad for creamofwheat29 and she found out she was banned.  Could you please let us know what she was temp-banned for?

Near the end of her last session yesterday Kronos03 let her know that she broke a dirt block in the ProFarm and broke another block in the melon farm.  He let her know and she wanted to fix it right away, so she replaced them under Kronos03's guidance.  She checked with him that everything was fixed and alright, and she gave him a pickaxe to be friendly. 

Was it related to this or was there something else ?

Thank you for your guidance!

-Dad of creamofwheat29.

p.s. I'm dad of infinitymana and creamofwheat29, we've been reading the rules and trying to follow them in all regards.  I pointed out Kronos's presence and stayed with creamofwheat29 while she fixed the issues.  But I/we may have missed something.

Plea to be unbanned / Re: Please un-tempban infinitymana
« on: November 10, 2014, 08:20:51 PM »
Hello RubensCherub,

Thank you for taking the time to read Infinitymana's plea and writing a detailed response.

I think Infinitymana does understand the issue and what needs to be done differently in the future.  He said: 
<quote>I chopped down trees and did not replant them.  I chop down trees without replanting them, then there won't be much trees for other people to chop down.  I will read signs and follow the rules like they say.  I will pay more attention to the chat messages.

Dad again: In addition, I will resize his chat window to make it more legible.  I think the GUI is set to level that his chat window is about 10 characters wide, which may be inhibiting his reading of them.  I'm sure he'll be paying more attention from now on.

He is a young player, and the existence of the rules and the enforcement of them give me comfort that Famcraft is a wholesome play for him.  Thank you for consider his plea.

-Infinitymana's Dad.

Plea to be unbanned / Please un-tempban infinitymana
« on: November 09, 2014, 09:35:26 PM »
 hello i am infintymana

i just started 1 day ago and i did not see the signs.  i forgot to plant the saplings and i didn't mean to do that.  And I am just very sorry for what i did.  I did not mean to do it.  could you please remove my tempban?  Thank you.

Infinitymana's dad:  Hi, my son was temp-banned for not replanting the trees in the Profarm area.  He says he did not see the warnings from the administrators and did not see the signs.  The administrators were very good in letting us know what the procedure to appeal was.  Please consider infinitymana's appeal and do what you feel is right.  Cheers.

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